Asteroids Are Bigger Than You Think!
Do you know how big asteroids REALLY are? Read on!
The huge space rocks are believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs some centuries ago. They also fly by the earth on the regular and are closely monitored since some are the size of several US states.
Do you have the stomach to learn just how big these space rocks actually are and how much damage they could cause humankind? If so, check out this informative video below.
Wow! This is incredible. Thanks for sharing this video DJ. I had never seen it before.
What an eye-opener! And yeah my stomach did churn a little as I viewed larger and larger asteroids and indeed considered the colossal damage they could cause mankind, as you noted.
This has actually now prompted me to do seek out more information on this topic related to the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. Thanks again!
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This went from being interesting to terrifying real quick. […]
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Lucky we have Jupiter, the solar system’s vacuum cleaner. […]
Whoa!! This video got me. Good one