Comments on: ATLANTA SCHOOLS CHEATING SCANDAL News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: f gamble Sat, 04 Apr 2015 04:28:31 +0000 I wonder if they will lose their accreditation like their neighboring county counterpart did a few years back. The parent is right-this is a travesty!

By: BD Mon, 18 Jul 2011 16:26:50 +0000 This is insane. I heard about this last week and its awful. The parents and these kids are depending on the school district to educate them. This is a great big fail all around. I hope everybody involved gets thrown under the jail!!!!

By: Truthiz Mon, 18 Jul 2011 14:05:49 +0000 The truth is, I literally wept when I first heard about this sad story last week because the children (perhaps thousands if not hundreds of thousands of school-age children) …in particular, chidren in lower-income urban areas are the *victims* of a widespread culture of educational abuse, fruad AND curruption NOT just in Atlanata ….but across this entire country. See: "2009 Report Identified Dozens of PA Schools for Possible Cheating"…In my opinion, NCLB is the real culprit here (and should be REPEALED) because that ridicules piece of legislation sets up the conditon (UNrealistic expectations) for encouraging a culture of widespread educational abuse, fraud and corruption. From Superintendents (who want to *shine* and be awarded bonus $$$ and extra $$$ for their school district) to the Principals on down to rank and file teachers, ALL working in fear of losing their jobs if they don't obey "orders" and achieve the stated goals.      In theory, NCLB sounded good. And a lot of people bought inti it. I never did. And in short, i think it's safe to say: NCLB is a nightmare!Commenter @ NCLB Forum:One of the largest parts of NCLB has been to integrate Special Education and LAP (Behaviorally challenged) students with the general student population. Gone are the days of classes for the *slow* kids. Teachers are frustrated, students are frustrated and now not only are the *slow* kids struggling but the standard kids are falling behind. The plan was to Leave No Child Behind…. I wonder how long it will be before the powers that be figure out that now EVERY child's being left behind. […]
