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ATM Machines are literally popping up everywhere. What was once exclusively inside legitimate banking institutions, can now be found on a lone and dark outdoor street corner.  But are they all safe?  Read on…

As technology has allowed ATM Machines to be operated privately by almost anybody, so has this same technology been tampered with to be used against you. Thieves hell-bent on a free pay day have found interesting new ways to get their hands into your bank account.  So it’s better to be safe than sorry.  Here’s how you can protect yourself from getting ripped off at the local ATM:

Some machines operate with only a swipe, while others literally swallow your card then spit it back out at the end of your transaction.  So before swiping or inserting your card, examine ATMs for tell-tale signs of skimmers like visible glue marks or residue around the reader or PIN pad. Also, be on the look out for loose parts.  Physically tug on the card reader first to see if it comes off or if there is a some loose mechanism recently added to the machine.

Also, make sure to look around the ATM area to see if anything looks out of the ordinary.  For example, a soda can or pack of cigarettes on the top of an ATM could potentially be hiding a miniature camera inside to steal your password once you enter it.  These cameras could also be above the machine and on the ceiling in a manner different from standard bank security cameras. So be vigilant and inspect the area before you use it.

This should almost go without saying in this day and age, but when you type in your ATM password use your other hand or some other object to shield the keypad from video cameras that may be hidden above or nearby the keypad. This can also help protect your information from people who may be standing off to the side trying to capture your PIN.

Using an ATM Machine inside a financial banking institution is better than using a private machine owned by some mystery person/business on an outdoor street corner.  So avoid those types of machines, as well as those inside a gas station, convenience store, or heavily trafficked areas such as malls and airports. Many times, the practice of skimming can go unnoticed in such locations because no one is nearby to monitor the machines.  Also, if you’re having trouble using a machine, STOP and go to a different one. And certainly avoid any offers from help from strangers, who may have actually caused the problem in the first place.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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