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Attempted Lynching Investigated In Indiana

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An attempted lynching over the July 4th weekend in Bloomington, Indiana is currently under investigation as a hate crime.

An attempted lynching.  Yes, let that sink in for a moment.  In the year 2020, an African-American man was the target of an attempted lynching.

Attempted Lynching
Vauhxx Booker

According to Vauhxx Booker of Bloomington, he was hiking with friends in a wooded area near Lake Monroe on July 4th when he was attacked by 5 white men.  Booker said he was targeted for being black and that the men were “looking to provoke a conflict.”

“I don’t want to recount this, but I was almost the victim of an attempted lynching,” Booker said Sunday in a post to his Facebook page. “I don’t want this to have happened to me or anyone. It hurts my soul, and my pride, but there are multiple witnesses and it can’t be hidden or avoided.

“On July 4th evening others and me were victims of what I would describe as a hate crime. I was attacked by five white men (with confederate flags) who literally threatened to lynch me in front of numerous witnesses,” he said.

Attempted Lynching “The individuals were calm for a moment then quickly became aggressive,” Booker continued.  Next, he heard a statement that convinced him the unprovoked confrontation was racially motivated.  “Get a noose,” one of the men said during the attack.

The men then grabbed Booker and pulled him away from his friends.  “They dragged me, pinning my body against a tree as they began pounding on my head and ripped off some of my hair.”

Fortunately, 3 eyewitnesses were on the scene and simultaneously filmed the attack while also attempting to stop it.

“My enduring gratitude to those who stopped merely being bystanders and acted to aid me,” Booker said.

“The incident is under investigation and the final report will be forwarded to the Monroe County prosecutor’s office upon completion,” said Captain Jet Quillen of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Sadly, the attempted lynching of Vauhxx Booker is not the first case of its kind in 2020.  Multiple men of color were found hanged in Texas, California, and New York.

  • In mid-June, a 17-year-old boy was found hanging from a tree in the playground area of Ehrhardt Elementary School in Spring, Texas.
  • Also in June, a Hispanic man was found hanging from a tree in Houston.
  • In Southern California, a black man was found hanging in a park near Palmdale City Hall.
  • In New York, a black man was found hanging from a tree with a rope around his neck in Upper Manhattan’s Fort Tryon Park.

Somehow, officials ruled each of the hanging deaths a suicide.  However, there is no way men of color suddenly took to hanging themselves all within days of each other.

Attempted Lynching

Below are 4 videos of the attack against Vauhxx Booker in Indiana. Be forewarned, the language and images are extremely graphic.


OK WASSUP! discusses Racism:
Attempted lynching of an Indiana black man.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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According to Vauhxx Booker of Bloomington, he was hiking with friends in a wooded area near Lake Monroe on July 4th when he was attacked by 5 white men. […]

I’m at work and can’t really turn up the volume right now but I watched a bit of the video. Was his friends the ones who videotaped the whole thing?

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

Next, {Booker} heard a statement that convinced him the unprovoked confrontation was racially motivated. “Get a noose,” one of the men said during the attack. […]

Yes but as per reporting: According to Booker’s Facebook posts, in moments that were NOT caught on video, at least one person began yelling “get a noose” and “other choice slurs:” 

So “get a noose” ISN’T heard on the video. Maybe it’s me but something about this story seems *off* to me.

Is there any clear indication as to just what led to this altercation in the first place?

Last edited 4 years ago by Truthiz1

Hey Truth do you think he is lying or something? Because the people with him would have to be in on the lie too if he was. I did not hear get rthe noose on tape but I did hear white power and some other racial things.


BD I’m so sorry for the delay in responding to you. Yesterday I was battling a real bad sinus headache all day and ended cutting my work day short, went home took some Benadryl and went to bed.

Okay so you asked: “Hey Truth do you think he is lying or something?”

Honestly, I’m not sure what to think. He was “hiking with friends in a wooded area” and his “friends” did precisely what (beyond stand there saying “let him go guys” while he was being attacked? And did one of the attackers actually say “get a noose”..? Or did Mr. Booker throw that claim in to embellish the story?

“…the people with him would have to be in on the lie too if he was.”

Well..that’s why I’m curious as to exactly WHO was videotaping the whole thing?

Hopefully the investigation will provide the Truth.


This does not surprise me. I went to school in Indiana and down there is one of the most racist places in the country. They have a kkk chapter down there and all the black people are told do not even stop for gas when you drive through one town. I am glad they caught it on tape for proof.

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