PoliticsTop News Today

Attorney General Bill Barr Resigns

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Attorney General Bill Barr announced on Monday that he is resigning only weeks before the inevitable demise of the Trump presidency.

Top News Today
Monday was a day packed with major news stories unlike any in recent memory:

  • The Electoral College officially declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election, defeating Donald Trump’s bid to destroy democracy for his own personal gain.
  • Thousands of first responders across America began receiving the first doses of the newly approved COVID vaccine, following a 9-months long pandemic that has seen more than 300,000 deaths in the US alone.
  • GOP Congressman Paul Mitchell of Michigan formally quit the Republican party and became an Independent, saying he was sickened to see his fellow party members sit back and do nothing as Donald Trump set fire to the US constitution.
  • And Attorney General Bill Barr told the world he wanted off the SS Trump Titanic and will step aside effective December 23rd.

Attorney General Bill Barr

For years, the Trump-Barr bromance was a match made in heaven. Trump would come up with bizarre and illegal bullshit to exact on the American people and it was up to Bill Barr to tie up the legal loose ends and implement it. Barr ran roughshod for Trump during his contentious impeachment hearings. He even attempted to use the US Justice Department as Trump’s personal attorney when ‘The Donald’ was recently the subject of a sexual assault lawsuit. Still, even Barr couldn’t continue to pretend he was sans a spine or testicles when Trump presented case after case of meritless legal challenges in order to overturn the election.

However, the very moment Attorney General Bill Barr stopped doing Donald’s bidding is the very moment the vindictive Trump was already looking for ways to fire him. Like so many other court jesters before him, you either did what King Donald wanted to be done or it was off with your head. Barr saw the writing on the wall. He also saw the SS Titanic Trump sinking fast.

With Trump planning to issue an unprecedented number of controversial presidential pardons before being kicked out of the Oval Office, Barr was smart enough to realize he didn’t want history to connect his name to Donald Trump’s during the waning weeks of his presidency. He also wanted no connection to Trump’s sketchy cash grab donation scheme of pretending to conduct a fake “Stop The Steal” election fraud battle while collecting millions of dollars in donations from dumb MAGA fanatics (money that will go directly into Trump’s pocket). So, Barr smartly jumped ship.

Still, his resignation letter — which was more like a love letter — was so sappy and sugary it was almost diabetic.

Attorney General Bill Barr

“I am proud to have played a role in the many successes and unprecedented achievements you have delivered for the American people,” Barr wrote. “Your 2016 victory speech in which you reached out to your opponents and called for working together for the benefit of the American people was immediately met by a partisan onslaught against you in which no tactic, no matter how abusive and deceitful, was out of bounds.”

Oh, be still, my heart!

“Few could have weathered these attacks, much less forge ahead with a positive program for the country,” he continued — and then the dusty bootlicking and “acquiesced” ass-kissing went on and on from there.

Bill Barr is leaving his post just before Christmas — and it looks as if Donald Trump may be leaving (and not returning to Washington) right along with him. So, what gives?

Did Attorney General Bill Barr get fed up with The Donald Trump Show and turn in his ‘Trump Flunkie’ card out of a newfound allegiance to democracy? Or did he resign on Monday in order to save his own reputation just in time for the history books?

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Attorney General Bill Barr is resigning.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Great summary DJ. You nailed the most pertinent points. 

    Trump’s “Roy Cohn” reached a line in that sh*tshow presidency that even HE’s not willing to cross. He resigned yesterday in order to try to save what’s left of his disgraceful reputation “just in time for the history books.” 

    And yet, even as he carried out that act he surrendered the tattered remnants of his manhood, slobbering all over himself in that letter with FAKE praise for Trump’s imaginary accomplishments. Embarrassing and pathetic. 

    William Pelham Barr. Worst U.S. Attorney General in American history.  

  2. NR Reader:
    I suspect Barr wants to be clear of the upcoming dirty pardons Trump issues. I don’t agree with some of what Barr did—the very deceptive summation he gave on the Mueller report mistakenly led some to believe the whole thing was a hoax when the report itself clearly condemned Trump’s obstruction of justice. But he is principled enough not to want to be associated with the ongoing delusions of the sinking ship that is Trump. […]

  3. Things got so bad even Barr could not stick around for more. He is doing this to save his own butt. But it is too late for all that. History is going to tell the truth about him even if he did try to jump off before everything blows up.

  4. In other news Mitch Mcconnell finally admitted Joe Biden won. I thought Wil would have posted something about this by now. Where are you Wil?

    1. “In other news Mitch Mcconnell finally admitted Joe Biden won.”

      Yep…and so has Putin.

      [There was no doubt Trump would spend weeks insisting that he’d been cheated and there was no doubt most of the Republican base would indulge him in that, so McConnell had to indulge him too by not contradicting him publicly. (Privately is another matter. I’d bet good money that he called Biden to congratulate him weeks ago.) ..] – *Allahpundit, 12-15-20

      *anonymous blogger and the senior editor for the American political news and commentary website Hot Air.

  5. ‘Bye-Bye, Bill Barr’

    Unlike Omarosa, “the Mooch,” Cohen, Lewandowski, and the other C-listers Trump surrounded himself with, William Pelham Barr, attorney general under George H. W. Bush, former CIA, former Verizon attorney, was as pure an embodiment of the Republican establishment as you could find. Most of Trump’s hangers-on were con men and frauds like their mentor. If those had been Trump’s only enablers, he wouldn’t have gone far.  

    No, in order to seize the Republican party and the White House, he needed the assistance of a few key figures, people with credibility, if not quite gravitas. The first to extend this was the governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. Sen. Jeff Sessions was the second. Others followed. They laid their reputations on the altar of Trump and watched them burn. It was the tribute he demanded. One of the more shocking revelations of this low, contemptible era is how much these seemingly self-respecting figures seemed to relish their servility. […] – Mona Charen, Policy Editor of The Bulwark {and former ultra right-winger}, 12-15-20 

  6. CNN:
    William Barr will soon be gone as attorney general.
    Barr took a principled stand earlier this month when he publicly refuted President Donald Trump’s nonsensical claims about widespread election fraud. But Barr did so only after nearly two years of frequently lying to the American public, twisting the law beyond reason, trampling longstanding Justice Department norms and principles, and aggressively using the Justice Department to carry out President Donald Trump’s political agenda. Let there be no mistake about his legacy: Barr has degraded and corrupted the Justice Department like no attorney general in recent history.

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