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Austin Police, Breaion King and Racism

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Austin police video proves racism against blacks


Special Report –
Austin Police, Breaion King and Racism

If anyone was wondering why groups like Black Lives Matter exist, why people are protesting against police brutality and racism, as well as why police officers are likely being targeted and shot on the streets of America, they don’t have to look much further than this extremely telling video.

Austin police video BREAION


Special Report
The dash-cam video shows an Austin, Texas police officer violently and unnecessarily throwing a black woman to the ground during a traffic stop, tossing her into a police car, then telling her that black people have “violent tendencies” which is “why a lot of white people are afraid of them.”  Hmmm…

The woman has been identified as 26-year-old Breaion King, an Austin area Elementary school teacher.  The officer has been identified as Bryan Richter of the Austin Police Department.

The extended video shows how the situation escalated quickly after Richter stopped King for driving 15 MPH over the posted speed limit. When Richter tried to physically pull King out of her vehicle, she screamed “No! Why are you doing this to me? Oh my God!”

Richter is seen on the tape forcibly throwing King to the ground.  Richter then tells her to stop “resisting” when she clearly is not.  He later said she took a swing at him when the video proves this never happened. Then the video took a surprisingly dark turn.

Once was inside the police car, Austin police officer Patrick Spradlin decided to get a few “things” off his mind.  He asked King if she believes racism goes both ways.  “I do,” King said, but “I believe that the Caucasian class has more supremacy over black people, just to be honest. They have more rights.”

Spradlin then went on to volunteer his opinion that a lot of white America is afraid of black people, because blacks are prone to violence.

“I can give you a really good idea why it might be that way — violent tendencies,” Spradlin said.  “And I want you to think about that. I’m not saying I can prove it or nothing, but 99% of the time, when you hear about stuff like that, it’s the black community that’s being violent. That’s why the white people are afraid, and I don’t blame them.”

He later added, “Black people tend to be violent and that’s why a lot of white people are afraid, and I don’t blame them.”


Special Report
Although the very disturbing video is from June of 2015, it only came to the attention of Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo last Tuesday, when Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg called him to advise that a reporter was about to publish a damning story on the incident.

Austin police video OFFICERS
Patrick Spradlin and Bryan Richter

Now, the 2 Austin police officers are under investigation.  Their words and actions have given credibility to African-Americans who fear police and believe action is necessary to stop the bias and brutality.

Chief Acevedo reacted by saying his “heart was sickened and saddened” by the video.

“First and foremost, let me just say this to Breaion King, her family, her friends, her neighbors, her supporters: ‘I’m sorry that on the day that you were stopped for going 15 mph [above the speed limit], you were approached in a manner and then treated in a manner that is not consistent with the expectations of this police chief,” Acevedo said. “There’s a way to do this job, and that day, we did not approach it anywhere near the way we should’ve approached it.”

When asked if he thought Spradlin’s comments were “racist,” Acevedo replied, “Yes.”

“This is not, I believe, reflective of the quality of this organization that we run,” he said. “I want you to listen to that conversation and tell me that we don’t have social issues in this nation, issues of violence, issues of racism, issues of people being looked at differently because of their color.”

As to why the video went hidden inside the Austin Police Department for an entire year until a local reporter gained access and planned to expose it, Acevedo had no explanation.  Instead, he said his department has opened investigations into the conduct of Richter and Spradlin, adding that both officers have been placed on paid administrative leave.

The video incident involving King comes only 1 day after police shot a mental health professional on the streets of Miami, who was unarmed and merely assisting a severely autistic man.


Austin police video KINSEY


Charles Kinsey, a behavior therapist, was shot by police after he raced to the aid of a 23-year-old man with autism who had run away from the group home. In the video, Kinsey is seen laying flat on the ground with his hands in the air. He explained to police his professional credentials and that neither he nor the autistic man were armed. His arms never left the air.

“All he has is a toy truck — a toy truck,” Kinsey told police while pleading for them not to shoot. “I am a behavior therapist at a group home.” His explanation was a total waste. The police officer shot him anyway.

“Sir, why did you shoot me?” Kinsey asked. The officer’s answer, according to Kinsey, speaks volumes: “I don’t know.”

The officer later tried to justify the shooting by saying he was aiming to shoot the autistic man — whom he thought was armed and a threat to Kinsey — but missed.  Yeah right!

The recent shooting deaths by police of Alton Shields, Philando Castile and others had already suggested a bias against African-Americans inside America’s police departments. Now, the video confession during the Breaion King incident proves it to be true.

Had it been a black police officer who threw a white woman to the ground after a minor traffic stop, the entire nation would have been in an uproar.  Had the group home therapist been a white professional instead of a black man, he would have never needed to lay on the ground with his hands in the air to prove his innocence.  He also never would have been shot. Sadly, in 2016, that’s just the way it is.

Police are shooting and killing black men at an alarming rate — and now we know why: BLACK BIAS.  Police immediately assume a black man means instant trouble, so they approach the situation with an innate prejudice and their fingers fixated on the trigger. Just ask the police officer in Miami who shot the unarmed and non-threatening black mental health therapist and didn’t even know why.

We already know why:  he was shot because he is black.





OK WASSUP! covers current events.  Today’s article
Austin police video proves police bias against blacks.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Good Morning DJ…..

    Thanks for sharing this. I couldn't watch the video..another heart-beaker that will only make me angry…but I'm glad you brought the story to my awareness, nonetheless.

    The fact that I'm just hearing about this…a year after the incident….serves as another disgusting example of how Our national news media continually FAILS Us as society. Over the past year, the news media has fixated nearly exclusively on Trump's never-ending BS, 24/ matter how trivial and asinine….while important stories, like this one go virtually ignored.,,SMH. Truly they (the news media) make me sick. But I digress.

    Here is what infuriates me more and more as I hear about another *BAD* cop story……….

    Good cops have FAILED us too. Why do I say that? Because "good" cops know who the BAD seeds are….and yet they do nothing…at least not on a public scale where having the Courage to take such an action would do the most good in sending a message to the BAD seeds that Time's Up! You Gotz To Go.

    I'm convinced that some…perhaps even most…police departments are rotten from top-to-bottom. Too many (mostly White) men who are little more than scared little chicken-sh*ts in real life – they know they wouldn't last a minute in ANY branch of the U.S. military – find it a lot easier to play our their sick FAKE alpha-dog fantasies on police forces.

    Add racism to the mix and there you have it. A mucked-up and deadly police culture that puts terrified, trigger-happy, POSERS on the streets to PLAY cops in vulnerable communities and everybody's life ends up being in danger. And their superiors work overtime to keep all of their department sh*t hidden from public view and scrutiny.

    The "Blue-Wall of Silence" is the *hood* equivalent of "NO snitching." And look at the nightmare America is dealing with today.

    It's enough to make me want to HOLLA!

  2. Wow thank you for this story DJ. The more people hear the truth the better things will be.

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