Comments on: Austin Police, Breaion King and Racism News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 02 Aug 2016 07:02:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Mon, 01 Aug 2016 17:43:18 +0000 Wow thank you for this story DJ. The more people hear the truth the better things will be.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 01 Aug 2016 13:29:13 +0000 Good Morning DJ…..

Thanks for sharing this. I couldn't watch the video..another heart-beaker that will only make me angry…but I'm glad you brought the story to my awareness, nonetheless.

The fact that I'm just hearing about this…a year after the incident….serves as another disgusting example of how Our national news media continually FAILS Us as society. Over the past year, the news media has fixated nearly exclusively on Trump's never-ending BS, 24/ matter how trivial and asinine….while important stories, like this one go virtually ignored.,,SMH. Truly they (the news media) make me sick. But I digress.

Here is what infuriates me more and more as I hear about another *BAD* cop story……….

Good cops have FAILED us too. Why do I say that? Because "good" cops know who the BAD seeds are….and yet they do nothing…at least not on a public scale where having the Courage to take such an action would do the most good in sending a message to the BAD seeds that Time's Up! You Gotz To Go.

I'm convinced that some…perhaps even most…police departments are rotten from top-to-bottom. Too many (mostly White) men who are little more than scared little chicken-sh*ts in real life – they know they wouldn't last a minute in ANY branch of the U.S. military – find it a lot easier to play our their sick FAKE alpha-dog fantasies on police forces.

Add racism to the mix and there you have it. A mucked-up and deadly police culture that puts terrified, trigger-happy, POSERS on the streets to PLAY cops in vulnerable communities and everybody's life ends up being in danger. And their superiors work overtime to keep all of their department sh*t hidden from public view and scrutiny.

The "Blue-Wall of Silence" is the *hood* equivalent of "NO snitching." And look at the nightmare America is dealing with today.

It's enough to make me want to HOLLA!
