Comments on: BACHMANN CAMPAIGN SHAKE-UP News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 06 Sep 2011 16:31:49 +0000 Simply put: Ed Rollins knows a dying campaign when he sees one. Too bad he couldn't see that BEFORE he jumped onto Bachmann's bandwagon. Then again, Rollins has been batting ZERO for quite a few years now and honestly, I can't say that I was too suprised when he took that job.Anyway: The Repub debate tomorrow night should be interesting for a few significant reasons:1. Bachmann now has no choice but to go hard after Perry AND Mitt if she wants hang on a little longer. Will she take them both on? Or just one? And if so, which one? 2. Perry has never debated on the national stage. Will he show up tomorrow night? OR will he use the fires in Texas as an excuse to duck the debate?  3. If Perry does show, what kind of perfromance will he put on?  We shall see……Btw: Some political blogs are a buzz today over a recent article written by long-time GOP loyalist, Mike Lofge. who apparently has DEFECTED and is now "spilling the beans" about the True state of the GOP since being hi-jacked by know-nothings, LUNATICS, and haters of every ilk. Good-bye To All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left The Cult…H/T: The Daily Beast
