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BACHMANN: ‘I Don’t Judge Gays’

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Michele Bachmann may have won Saturday’s Iowa straw poll with flying colors. But the road ahead for her could get pretty bumpy once some of her past statements come to light and catch up with her.

Bachmann is an extreme religious right fanatic, who allows her strict “in the name of religion” convictions to dictate her politics. Skeletons in her closet include a clinic she runs with her husband, where they claim to “pray away the gay” in homosexuals who come to them for counseling. Granted, this mentality may have a home amongst her fellow fanatical colleagues, but it will take a hat dance to convince a progressive country to get behind such a controversial outlook.

As the race for the GOP nomination for president seems to be shaping up into a 3 person race between Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, it appears the sole female candidate may have put foot in mouth one too many times and may soon be paying a hefty price for it.  In video footage from this weekend’s MEET THE PRESS, Bachmann was like a deer in headlights as she struggled to justify some rather extreme comments she previously made regarding gay Americans.  WATCH:



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. <span>I saw this interview as it was happening on Sunday. Clearly, the woman is a LOON. Who, pray tell, can't SEE that?! </span><span></span><span>But as to a broader (but related) subject of what the GOP has done to itself:   The Repubs have a MAJOR problem on their hands….well TWO major problems.   1. The GOP "Wall Street" establishment no longer controls that party. Tea-jihadists and Talibangelicals do. No question about it.     2. Two of their 3 leading candidates for President are religous-right nutjobs with "DEEP" ties to the extreme fundamentalist movement known as "Dominionism."   Michelle Goldberg @ The daily Beast wrote:     "it is now fairly clear that the GOP candidate will either be Mitt Romney or someone who makes George W. Bush look like Tom Paine. Of the three most plausible candidates for the Republican nomination, two are deeply associated with a theocratic strain of Christian fundamentalism known as Dominionism. If you want to understand Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, understanding Dominionism ISN'T optional." </span><span></span><span>You're darn skippy. It's. Mandatory. </span><span></span><span>"Put simply, Dominionism means that "Christians have a God-given right to rule all earthly institutions. Originating among some of America’s most radical theocrats, it’s long had an influence on religious-right education and political organizing. But because it seems so outré, getting ordinary people (Americans) to take it seriously can be difficult."</span><span></span><span>… </span><span></span><span>I just pray that voters will do their homework. Research. Research. Research.    Find out for yourselves just what these politicians are REALLY all about.   It's some scary stuff..smh.</span>

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