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How the mighty have fallen!

After a pitiful near last place showing in the Iowa Caucus on Tuesday, Michele Bachmann, AKA “The Iron Lady,” has finally decided to call it a campaign.

Michele Bachmann was born in Iowa.  She announced her campaign for the presidency in Iowa.  So it was only fitting that her hopes for the White House came crumbling down in Iowa. “Last night the people of Iowa spoke with a very clear voice and so I have decided to stand aside,” Bachmann told a crowd of somber supporters near Des Moines. But, she added, “I will continue fighting to defeat the president’s agenda of socialism.” Hmmm… OK!

In a race where 99% of all the candidates each enjoyed their 15 minutes of fame as the GOP front runner, Bachmann seemed to squander her lead with ultra conservative and “over-the-top” evangelical views that never seemed to resonate with the general electorate.  One such example is when Bachmann boasted that she and her husband could “cure” homosexuality via their clinic in Minnesota.  Such outlandish claims never seemed to work in Bachmann’s favor and in fact made her appear a bit coo coo.

Ahhh, but now that the “Iron Lady” is leaving the campaign trail, we will miss some of Michele Bachmann’s gaffes, guffaws and greatest hits. Like the time during a televised speech where she looked off to a non-existent camera to her right instead of directly into the camera in front of her. Or the time when she gleefully wished Elvis Presley a HAPPY BIRTHDAY — except the occasion was not the date of his birth, but rather the date of his death.

We will never forget you, Michele Bachmann.  In tribute to your now defunct race for the White House, here now is a list of some of your biggest and best blunders:

When swine flu broke out in 2009, Bachmann implied that it was the Democrats’ fault, saying, “I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under Democrat President Jimmy Carter.”  But in fact, the 1970s outbreak came during the administration of Republican President Gerald Ford.

Bachmann appeared on GOOD MORNING AMERICA and said: “Well if you look at one of our Founding Fathers, John Quincy Adams, that’s absolutely true. He was a very young boy when he was with his father serving essentially as his father’s secretary. He tirelessly worked throughout his life to make sure that we did in fact one day eradicate slavery….”  Although John Quincy Adams was once President of the United States, he was not one of the founding fathers.

Bachmann once compared her campaign to the late actor John Wayne, saying: “John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa.” Except John Wayne was NOT from Waterloo — child molester and murderer John Wayne Gacy was!

Bachmann frequently played loose with the truth.  She once perpetuated the falsehood that President Obama’s 2010 trip to India cost $200 million a day.  It was later proven that this figure was grossly inaccurate and that Bachmann got it from an anonymous source at a news organization in India.




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. <span><span><span><span>In the end, Bachmann (like most of the GOP's so-called "leaders") was exposed as a joke. A dangerous joke. But a joke nevertheless. The fact that she, or ANY of those jokers, are taken seriously by ANYONE speaks volumes about their supporters!               And yet. At least Bachmann has enough sense to know when it's time to Go. _something that Rick Perry seems to be too stupid to recognize, despite EVERY indication that he doesn't have even a talibangelical's prayer of winning the GOP nomination.               But Bachmann and Perry are part of a much BIGGER story. The story of where 40 yrs of the GOP reaching out (in the most cynical of ways) to the LEAST intelligent and MOST hateful kinds of Americans (those supposed "Real Americans") will land a mighty BAD place. The GOP is at war with itself, as an all out tribal war among its MANY destructiive factions is currently underway, for the heart and soul of the party.                In short: Today's GOP is infested with the most ignorant and toxic kinds pf people (politicians and voters). They're eating that party alive and there ain't a darn thing the GOP *establishment* can do about it.</span></span></span></span>

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