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Only days after her controversial connection to a marriage document which stated that black families were better off during slavery than they are today, Michele Bachmann is back in the news again — and not in a good way.

This time, it involves a business she and her husband own and operate in Minnesota. Bachmann and Associates is a Christian-based counseling clinic run by Marcus Bachmann, which counsels gay patients that prayer can cure them of their sexual orientation. Or in other words, he runs a “pray-away-the-gay” business, utilizing a Ph.D he received from an online correspondence school.  One such patient is Andrew Ramirez, who went to the clinic as a high school student in 2004. “The path for my therapy would be to read the Bible, pray to God that I would no longer be gay,” Ramirez said. “And God would forgive me if I were straight.”

John Becker, who is a gay activist with the group Truth Wins Out, said he posed as someone seeking counseling for homosexuality and took two hidden cameras into treatment sessions at the Bachmann clinic in Lake Elmo. “Based on my experiences at Bachmann and Associates, there can no longer be any doubt that Marcus Bachmann’s state and federally funded clinic endorses and practices reparative therapy aimed at changing a gay person’s sexual orientation, despite the fact that such ‘therapy’ is widely discredited by the scientific and medical communities,” Becker wrote on the Truth Wins Out website.

Marcus Bachmann has denied that he uses religious and prayer based counseling to rid patients of their sexual orientation, even though he is on record for calling gays “barbarians” and promoting the idea that homosexuality is both a choice and a threat. Surprisingly, Bachmann is not licensed with any official board that certifies mental-health professionals in his state, although Minnesota is one of the few states which allows unlicensed “therapists” to practice mental-health care.



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. This is stupid. I hear Repubs are already trying to find a way to keep her from getting the nom. Shes just a Sarah Palin clone in the ignorance department.

  2. <span>As I stated in a previous post, yesterday: IMO, this guy is actually a sexually repressed closet homosexual. And together, these 2 clowns make for a scary combination.    The fact that SHE is considered a "serious" GOP Presidential candidate (on the verge of surpassing Romney for front-runner's status, no less) speaks volumes about how far DOWN the Republican Party has fallen.    But check it out: "Bachmanns and Associates" is actually a DUAL program offering Christian-based "Reparative" AND D&A (drugs and alcohol addiction) therapies. And here's what really interesting: Marcus sought, AND secured, Public (meaning, GOVERNMENT) funding to provide those services.   Wait. What?! The Bachmanns, who are supposedly "small government – fiscal conservative" types are in fact PRO-Big government types, when it comes to funding their QUACK practices and intruding in the lives of others!?!     HuffPost: "Bachmann's Husband Failed Government Contract To Provide Christian-Themed Drug Treatment"</span><span>  In 2005, Dr. Marcus Bachmann's mental-health counseling service, Bachmann & Associates Inc, was awarded a contract to provide outpatient counseling to drug addicts. In 2008, the service was awarded a second contract. The two could have netted Bachmann's husband as much as $4,000 per client. The sum total of the contracts could have raked in roughly $80,000 in public money.   Instead, the government contract turned out to be a bust.    Bachmann & Associates held onto the contract from 2005 through the beginning of 2009. During that time, the contract did not earn them a penny in government funds because the county never sent them a single potential client.   "We never made a single referral to them and we paid them nothing," said Daniel Papin, Director of Washington County Community Services, in an interview with The Huffington Post. It came down to one reason: No drug addicts that sought help through the county wanted to go through Bachmann's program.   "We rely on client choice," Papin said. "Just didn't see anybody that came through us for assessment that was appropriate for their program."   Full story: <span&gt <a href="http://;</span&gt;</span>” target=”_blank”>;</span&gt;</span>

  3. bockmans a whacko and her husbands a closet gay. how can anybody take her serious

  4. Oh dear. dear. dear..smh. The truth is, I don't know whether to laugh at, OR cry for, this woman:Michele Bachmann in Her Own Words: ‘Gays Are Part of Satan’ of Bachmann's rant against gays: Bradlee Dean Michele Bachmann’s Rev. Wright? 2012 hopeful to share stage with controversial preacher at September GOP event:

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