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There has been a substantial setback to the presidential campaigns of Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry.

Both men failed to get the required 10,000 signatures needed to appear on the Virginia Republican Party ballot, which means that both men are disqualified from participating in the March 6th primary.

“After verification, RPV has determined that Newt Gingrich did not submit required 10k signatures and has not qualified for the VA primary,” the Republican Party of Virginia announced on Saturday morning. State GOP spokesman Garren Shipley said volunteers spent Friday validating petitions that the candidates submitted Thursday to the State Board of Elections by the 5pm deadline.  Both Gingrich and Perry fell short of meeting the qualifying rules.

Failing to get on the ballot will be a major setback for Gingrich, who has been trying to ride his recent rise in popularity to make up for an ugly and disorganized start.  But with March 6th being the all important Super Tuesday voting day, the failure of both Gingrich and Perry to make it onto the Virginia ballot proves they haven’t been paying close attention to filing requirements in each state.  It also highlights the difficulty first-time national candidates with smaller budgets and campaign operations have in preparing for a long campaign.

The missing candidates on the Virginia ballot should prove to be good news for Mitt Romney, who may now be able to use Super Tuesday to pull off a huge win and possibly secure the nomination.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Add to that list the names: Hunstman, Bachmann and Santorum…which means 5 of the 7 GOP so-called Presidential candidates "FAIL to qualify for the Virginia primary ballot" because they couldn't even follow simple instructions and they lack organizational structure. But to hear Repubs tell it.."ANY" of those clowns are "more qualified" to be President than Pres. Obama. <rolling>    Honestly, I can't even imagine what my life would like living as per the confines of such a twisted and intellectually deficient mentality…smh.   Presidential Election News  Read: <a href="… /> Okay. So that leaves only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul to battle it out in VA, which means an easy win for Mitt.And in other related GOP news…the little blodthirsty neoCon and "mental midget" William *Bill* Krystol continues to PANIC as he begs_"PLEADS for someone"_ANYONE_"else to jump into the race and for those who took a pass to reconsider" to save the party he helped to destroy.  The Weekly Standard: "A Time For Choosing"Read:…H/Tip:</rolling>

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