Comments on: BAD NEWS FOR GINGRICH & PERRY News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:56:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Tue, 27 Dec 2011 15:41:05 +0000 Add to that list the names: Hunstman, Bachmann and Santorum…which means 5 of the 7 GOP so-called Presidential candidates "FAIL to qualify for the Virginia primary ballot" because they couldn't even follow simple instructions and they lack organizational structure. But to hear Repubs tell it.."ANY" of those clowns are "more qualified" to be President than Pres. Obama. <rolling>    Honestly, I can't even imagine what my life would like living as per the confines of such a twisted and intellectually deficient mentality…smh.   Presidential Election News  Read: <a href="… /> Okay. So that leaves only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul to battle it out in VA, which means an easy win for Mitt.And in other related GOP news…the little blodthirsty neoCon and "mental midget" William *Bill* Krystol continues to PANIC as he begs_"PLEADS for someone"_ANYONE_"else to jump into the race and for those who took a pass to reconsider" to save the party he helped to destroy.  The Weekly Standard: "A Time For Choosing"Read:…H/Tip:</rolling>
