Comments on: BAD NEWS FOR MITT ROMNEY News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 22 Feb 2012 13:54:20 +0000 You know I began checking out popular right-wing blogs and online magazine sites in 2007, during the lead-up to the Presidential election of 2008. I was curious and I very much enjoy differing points of views, as long as they are intelligently made and civilly expressed. Suffice it to say that over the years I have found little of either (intelligent OR civil discussions) at MOST of those sites. However, the visits have provided me with first-hand knowledge of right-wing common chatter (i.e., who right-wingers like, don't like and absolutely despise) regarding politicians. It's also given me a degree of insight into the general mindset within right-wing world.Here's what I've known for awhile: Most of the GOP *base* NEVER supported the notion of Mitt Romney as a presidential candidate, let alone Mitt Romney as President. The "inevitable" narrative was something the GOP establishment put out there early, knowning full well a mostly incompetent and LAZY news media would quickly began parroting the same. The arrogant and cynical thinking of GOP elites was as it's been over the past 40-50 yrs of leading gullible sheep (the *base*) to where the GOP elites want them to go. The expectation was that the *sheep* would do as they've always done…meaning, DO AS THEY'RE TOLD. The *sheep* were expected to simply vote for Mr. "inevitable"…SHUT-UP about it and then get right back to their holding pens until needed for their votes again.So how did it all go so wrong? The answer is simple…..THIS was always THE main problem with the plan: MITT"S A MORMON. And he's fighting for his political life today because the *base* _the majority of who are CHRISTIANISTS_was NEVER going to support him, in the first place. Therefore the pre-emptive manipulation (he's "inevitable") was NEVER really true….NOT without a bloody fight, anyway. SEE: Franklin Graham's interview on MSNBC yesterday. Franklin all but said neither the President NOR Romney are "Christians". End of story.Now Romney must do more than win Michigan. He MUST beat Santorum by a decent margin OR he and the GOP establishment can kiss the ILLUSION of his "inevitable" nomination good-bye.
