
Banksy Painting Auto-Destructs At Auction

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Have you heard the one about the self-destructing Banksy art?  No, it’s not a punchline — but yes, it is a joke.

Banksy is an anonymous England-based street artist, vandal, political activist, and film director known for his unorthodox sense of humor.  Last week, Sotheby’s auctioned his canvas original ‘Girl with Balloon’ for £1.04 million.  However, not long after the gavel struck SOLD, the beautiful painting suddenly began to shred itself into a million pieces.

So, what happened?


“A few years ago, I secretly built a shredder into a painting,” the artist posted to his Instagram page.  Then, at the precise moment the painting sold (was he secretly in the room?), Banksy was able to remotely activate the shredder and destroy his sold creation.

To the whimsical artist, it was a well-played practical joke.  However, to the anonymous buyer, the end result was even better.  Reportedly, the painting is now worth double.

Take a look at the video and witness the shock and awe for yourself.




OK WASSUP! covers Entertainment News:
Banksy explains self-destructing art.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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