Comments on: Bannon Banished To The Back Of The Bus News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 11 Apr 2017 04:40:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Mon, 10 Apr 2017 18:47:55 +0000 Okay so THIS really happened at about 2 PM this afternoon EST……

During the White House press briefing, John Harwood tweeted the following:

{Sean} "Spicer says US goal is to "destabilize Syria – destabilize the conflict there."

In response to Harwood, Christina Wilkie tweeted:

It is difficult to imagine anything that could further “destabilize" the morass of a civil war in Syria.

Except perhaps US intervention. […]

Poor Sean. Poor. Poor. Sean…lol

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 10 Apr 2017 17:52:23 +0000 Hotair Reader:
I still don't understand what made Trump shift from staunch opposition to meddling in Syria when he wasn't in charge to suddenly bombing Syria when he is in charge? […]

Hotair Reader:
He is the swamp! Drain Jared and his libs, put Bannon back. They are all the same, once in office, {screw} those who voted for you! […]

InfoWars Reader:
Trump was a TROJAN HORSE who deceived every supporter, his behavior proves it. Just take a good hard look who he has surrounded himself with. We got screwed royally ya'll.

Oh, one last thing for you 18 to 25 year olds – you are going to wake up one day and learn that the blonde 70 yr. old has instituted a draft and you will find your sorry ass in the middle eastern desert. […].

InfoWars Reader:
And how's "The Wall" coming along? LMAO.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 10 Apr 2017 17:45:38 +0000 …..back to Bannon……

Between Bannon being relegated to the "back of the bus" and the airstrikes against Syria, Trump appears to have really p*ssed off a good chunk of his base support. .

AllahPundit, editor at Hotair:

Yeah, of all the surprises Trump has pulled on his base thus far as president, last {Thursday} night’s strike was the most surprising. Not rescinding DACA was a mild surprise after he promised to do so during the campaign, but Trump has been saying encouraging things about legalizing DREAMers for months. That one wasn’t out of left field. The House GOP health-care bill was more of a surprise given how it would have increased costs for parts of Trump’s working-class base, but in the end it didn’t pass. No harm, no foul.

Bombing Assad, though? Trump spent the summer of 2013 screeching that the U.S. should avoid the Syrian quagmire at all costs. He distinguished himself during the Republican primary as a skeptic of NATO specifically and interventionism more broadly (well, sometimes), starting with the U.S. misadventures in Iraq and Libya. Like most nationalists, he seemed to disdain foreign entanglements as a rule, on the theory that they can take care of their business over there and we’ll take care of ours over here. There’s too much “American carnage” to deal with to worry about what Assad’s up to. If nothing else, an “America First” ethos should mean a higher bar for showing that American national interests are truly at stake in a foreign conflict before intervening, with no license for strictly humanitarian bombings.

Now here we are. And on top of everything else, of all the dictators to make an example of, Trump chose a client of nationalists’ favorite foreign strongman, Vladimir Putin, sabotaging the great U.S./Russia detente. His right-wing populist base — nationalists, paleocons, isolationists, alt-righters, Russia groupies, and Assad apologists who see him as a bulwark against jihadism — is horrified.

Steve Bannon naturally also opposed the airstrike, per Gabriel Sherman, “on the grounds that it doesn’t advance Trump’s America First doctrine.” Jared Kushner supported it, and Jared tends to get his way. There are many more important implications to an escalating war in Syria than how it might affect White House personnel, but if Assad does do something to defy Trump and Trump acts again, it might cause the nationalists in the West Wing to bail out. As one source told the Atlantic about the Bannon/Kushner feud, “If the Trump administration becomes a pale copy of the Bush administration, then there was no reason for this election.” Why would Steve Bannon want to wreck his populist cachet online by ending up a de facto spokesman for a long, meandering humanitarian intervention in Syria?

Via the Daily Rushbo, here’s Rush Limbaugh today trying to soothe disconsolate Trumpers by theorizing that Obama’s wussiness subtly conditioned Americans to become weak-ass pacifists and now Trump’s bombing is setting us right. (Never mind that Obama continued the war in Afghanistan for eight years, bombed Libya, escalated in Yemen, and droned hundreds of people, guilty and innocent.) Is that why practically everyone less hawkish than John McCain and Lindsey Graham opposed bombing Assad in 2013? Because we had been feminized by Obama or whatever?

Or was it because, then as now, there’s no remotely good outcome available to us in Syria, especially with dangerous adversaries like Russia and Iran now on the ground and in the mix? […]

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 10 Apr 2017 16:33:03 +0000 In reply to Mr. BD.

Anyway I still don't see how Trump makes it the whole four years. It's too hard and he is already bored for not always getting his way. Plus he misses Trump tower and his plane and that whole life. […]

I agree BD. I do not see the man completing 4 years. Heck, at the rate he's mucking up, he may not make it through to the 2nd year(?).

And that look on his face isn't boredom. It's FEAR my friend.

It's Fear.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 10 Apr 2017 16:15:23 +0000 WashPost Reader:
Trump became president for launching 59 cruise missiles that utterly failed to destroy the target? The motive for this faux attack is obvious to most, namely obfuscation and deflection. The Russian burp out the normal diplomatic indignation, totally pre-planned in this case. This show of bravado is already out of steam, so who knows what lunacy the Great Pumpkin will dream up next. For certain media types to be swooning over this pointless 100M exercise is a sign they're not doing much critical thinking on this one. […]

WashPost Reader:
I'm surprised and alarmed that the media are so fond of the military-industrial-security complex. They're confirming that most major networks and cable channels have abandoned their traditional and essential role of questioning the rationale of squandering American lives and money, which started with the media's acquiescence with Bush 43's (i.e. Cheney's) fabrication of false news about Saddam Hussein's "weapons of mass destruction" and development of a quagmire in Iraq.

A responsible Fourth Estate is a necessary element of the American republic; now that it has sold out to the military-industrial complex, we're at risk of war with Russia. […]

Or possibly even North Korea which, IMO, is the bigger risk right now.
