Comments on: Barack Is Back! Gears Up For Election 2018 News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 17 Sep 2018 04:08:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 12 Sep 2018 16:42:42 +0000 Now I want to see Obama team up with Kamalah Harris and Cory Booker and remake this Democratic party. We can take the house and the senate if we do things right. […] – BD

I’m not yet sold on Kamalah Harris or Cory Booker being leadership material. But time will tell.

I do agree that it’s time for the remake of the Democratic Party. And the Dems must be smart about it. Do NOT turn the party over to extremists. They can be every bit as toxic and destructive as right-wingers (See the Repub party). Dems must avoid that disaster at all costs.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 12 Sep 2018 16:09:43 +0000 Cosign with BD. In normal times, Pres. Obama (yes, he’s still My president until a person who is actually FIT for that office is elected) would’ve NEVER even thought about breaking with tradition. He would have respectfully refrained from publicly criticizing his successor. But d*mnit…Enough is Enough. This ain’t “normal” times and there ain’t nothing “normal” about Trump and his sh*t-show of a presidency.

The Dems are without a leader right now. Pres. Obama fills that void quite nicely. And frankly, after nearly 2 yrs of suffering Trump, I think many, if not most, Americans would vote Pres. Obama back into office in a heartbeat, were it possible.

Some Obama haters don’t hate Obama so much anymore. He’s not quite the Black “boogeyman” that he once was, in their eyes.

By: Mr.BD Wed, 12 Sep 2018 13:50:17 +0000 I’m sure it was a tough decision to go against history and battle with your successer. But I’m glad he is doing it. Now I want to see Obama team up with Kamalah Harris and Cory Booker and remake this Democratic party. We can take the house and the senate if we do things right.
