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Baseball’s David Denson: ‘I’m Gay!’

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Baseball’s David Denson: ‘I’m Gay!’

Milwaukee Brewers 1st baseman David Denson, who currently plays for the team’s Helena, Montana rookie affiliate, made baseball history this weekend by announcing that he is gay.

Gay Rights
The 20-year-old David Denson disclosed his sexuality in a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article after sharing the news with his family and his teammates. The news makes Denson the first active player affiliated with a Major League organization to come out publicly.

David Denson playing“Talking with my teammates, they gave me the confidence I needed, coming out to them,” Denson told the Sentinel. “They said, ‘You’re still our teammate. You’re still our brother. We kind of had an idea, but your sexuality has nothing to do with your ability. You’re still a ballplayer at the end of the day. We don’t treat you any different. We’ve got your back.'”

Denson chose to conceal his sexuality when the Brewers selected him in 2013. However, the secret became too heavy of a load on him as spring training began in 2015.

“It became a depression level,” Denson said. “I wasn’t being myself. It was visible in my body language. I didn’t know if I should still stay in the sport.”

Now, Denson joins a growing list of professional sports players who are gay, including football’s Michael Sam and former NBA player Jason Collins.

Retired major league player Billy Bean revealed in 1995 that he is gay after his professional career ended.  As Major League Baseball’s first Ambassador for Inclusion, Bean counseled Denson on his decision to reveal he is gay and congratulated him for enduring the pressure he and other gay athletes have faced in concealing their sexuality.

David Denson and gay sports players
Michael Sam, Jason Collins, Billy Bean

“Any player who happens to be gay and is a professional and has kept that secret, they just want to be judged for their baseball or football or basketball ability. David would not be playing professional baseball if he wasn’t an excellent baseball player,” Bean told the Journal Sentinel.

“The beauty of what could come from this is he can be an example that can help change that perception and change the stereotype that there would never be a gay person on a men’s professional sports team. That was something I struggled with.”

“David is very humble. It’s really about being his best self,” Bean continued. “He’s a great baseball player, but he needs to be his best self to get to the big leagues.”

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David Denson mainIf Denson was at all unclear how his teammates would react to his revelation, that was quickly put to rest with their public tweets and statements of support.

“Proud of my teammate David Denson. Extremely brave guy. Much respect for him!” Helena Brewers outfielder Troy Stokes said.

“Sexuality does not dictate ones ability to play the game of baseball or be a good teammate. Nothing but support for our brother David Denson,” catcher Mitch Ghelfi said.

“Proud of my teammate and brother David Denson for coming out and being himself, ton of respect for him as a player and person,” catcher Charles Galiano said.

Even the Milwaukee Brewers voiced their public support of David Denson.

“David is a highly respected member of the Milwaukee Brewers family, and he is a very courageous young man,” Milwaukee Brewers President Doug Melvin said in a statement. “Our goal for David is to help develop him into a Major League player, just as it is for any player in our system, and we will continue to support him in every way as he chases that dream.”


OK WASSUP! covers Gay Rights. Today’s article:
Baseball’s David Denson reveals he is gay.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Admittedly, the credit I initially gave to Collins and Sams when each came *Out* to the public, I soon came to feel was UNdeserved. Why? Because based on learning more about each man's career paths shortly AFTER each man's announcement, it became clear to me their decision to *Out* himself was IMO mostly a cynical, calculating and opportunistic move. Collins, who had never been a great NBA player was desperately trying to extend a mediocre NBA career that was coming to an end whether he was ready to accept it or not. In Sam's case, it was revealed that he had been working a (behind the scenes) deal with Oprah's company to do a reality-type BS show about his life as the first an openly GAY NFL player – which now seems like an absolute JOKE given that Sams ended up lacking even the skills to make an NFL practice… Read more »

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