Comments on: Baseball’s David Denson: ‘I’m Gay!’ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 18 Aug 2015 12:25:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 18 Aug 2015 12:25:03 +0000 Admittedly, the credit I initially gave to Collins and Sams when each came *Out* to the public, I soon came to feel was UNdeserved. Why? Because based on learning more about each man's career paths shortly AFTER each man's announcement, it became clear to me their decision to *Out* himself was IMO mostly a cynical, calculating and opportunistic move.

Collins, who had never been a great NBA player was desperately trying to extend a mediocre NBA career that was coming to an end whether he was ready to accept it or not. In Sam's case, it was revealed that he had been working a (behind the scenes) deal with Oprah's company to do a reality-type BS show about his life as the first an openly GAY NFL player – which now seems like an absolute JOKE given that Sams ended up lacking even the skills to make an NFL practice squad…smh.

But Denson, seems to have made the decision to *Out* himself motivated simply by a need to save himself (his sanity and possibly his own life). No fanfare. No backroom deals (they we've know of). He may NEVER make it to the actual Big leaugue. However, he's his prime. He's played on the Brewers affiliate team for 3 years and sounds like he's already earned the respect and support of his team-mates and "the Milwaukee Brewers family."

I'd say, thus far – Well. Done David Denson. Well Done.
