Ben Carson Believes Slaves Were Immigrants
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Ben Carson Believes
Slaves Were Immigrants
Noted neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, who is now Donald Trump’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. is arguably one of the smartest men alive when it comes to brain surgery. However, he recently proved he’s about as dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to the history of race in America.
Current Events
On Monday, Ben Carson delivered his first official address as Secretary of HUD to a roomful of federal workers and hundreds more watching online across the country. Although his head and his heart may have been in the right place, his mouth didn’t seem eager to cooperate in avoiding saying anything nonsensical.
Speaking about immigration in America, Ben Carson said this:
“That’s what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.”
Yes, you read correctly. Secretary Ben Carson said Africans came to America as “IMMIGRANTS” in the bottom of slave ships. He then doubled-down on his remarks by adding that they worked “even harder for less.”
Um…for the record, Secy. Ben Carson, someone is not an immigrant when they’re forcibly kidnapped from their home and taken to a location away from their family and not of their own choosing. Additionally, slaves did not work for “less” as if they were under some minimum wage law. They worked FOR FREE and against their will. Finally, slaves were not laying in their own feces and excrement inside overcrowded slave ships dreaming about happiness and prosperity in a place they didn’t know existed and never wanted to go to. So, they were not immigrants. They were victims of a mass kidnapping. They were rape victims. They were murder victims. They were NOT immigrants!
By the time Carson wrapped up his words, all hell had broken loose across social media, prompting him to tweet his attempt at a do-over.
“You can be an involuntary immigrant,” Ben Carson tweeted from the personal account he shares with his wife, Candy. “The Immigrants made the choice to come to America…In contrast, slaves were forced here against their will and lost all their opportunities.”
You can be an involuntary immigrant..
— Ben & Candy Carson (@RealBenCarson)
March 7, 2017
Oh, Ben Carson. If they were handing out clues for free on the streets of Washington, you’d still be without one. Well, needless to say, the responses were not kind to him on social media.
Current Events
According to Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr.,12.5 million Africans were brought to the New World between 1525 and 1866. Of those, 10.7 million survived the Middle Passage and roughly 388,000 were shipped directly to North America. That is nowhere near the same route or experience the Irish or the English had when they voluntarily came to America.
Incidentally, in 2013, Dr. Ben Carson called Obamacare “the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”
Like Donald Trump, Ben Carson has zero experience in government or in running a sprawling bureaucracy — meaning he’s completely unaware that every syllable he makes counts and is scrutinized. There simply is no room for error. If you can’t carefully construct your thoughts into a legitimate sentence, then perhaps a position in government is not for you.
How could someone so intelligent be so dumb?!?
Honestly, when I first heard about this last evening, I could NOT believe that a Black Man….ANY Black man could say such a thing!?! Like most SANE people with a spec of intelligence, I was initially Shocked, Horrified by such asinine, and (dare I say) *COONish* comments. However, those feelings quickly gave way to feeling just raw Anger!
In short- I cosign with Samuel Jackson's reponse.
But also said to myself: "What did you expect from a guy who is Trump's kinda guy?"
Yes. I know Ben Carson is reported to have been a successful neurosurgeon who at one time also served as head of the "entire" department of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University.
But the truth is, after nearly 2 yrs of hearing this guy spew so much non-nonsensical BS from his mouth, I'm left with no choice but to conclude that Carson is an IDIOT Savant:
[a person who is highly knowledgeable about one subject but knows little about anything else .] –
Other than that, I got nothing…(throwing up my hands and smh).
LOL oh boy Truth you got me with IDIOT Savant. I never heard of that before but that is for sure what he is. I also agree with Samuel L Jackson. MF Get out of here!
Independent (UK) Reader:
So someone in the Trump administration adds to the newspeak dictionary. "Slaves" is out, "involuntary immigrants" is in.
Soon we'll have "illness" replaced by "medically different" as the Republicans dismantle the ACA and "muslim" changed to "American-averse" as President Trump defends his travel ban.
Oh those Americans and their way with the English language. […]
Independent (UK) Reader:
In the 1980s certain revisionist historians in the USA made the case that the Atlantic Slave Trade was a form of Assisted Passage Scheme.
They also asserted that the a slave on plantation in the South was materially and economically better off than his African compatriot.
The Republicans really have disowned their own history haven't they. […]
HuffPost Reader:
Good grief. The man is as ignorant of history as he is anything else. How in heck did he ever earn a medical degree? Is there anyone he operated on who is alive and cognizant? [..]
HuffPost Reader:
There have been several malpractice suits, I believe, with respect to his lack of competence. Go figure! […]