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Ben Jealous Quits NAACP

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NAACP President Ben Jealous Resigns!
Benjamin Jealous, the young and charismatic President of the NAACP announced that he is stepping down.

Current Events
Having served the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights organization for the past 5 years, the 40-year-old Jealous made the surprise announcement yesterday, saying he will step down in December to spend “a lot more time with my young family” and work on training a new generation of civil rights leaders.

“The NAACP has always been the largest civil rights organization in the streets, and today it is also the largest civil rights organization online, on mobile and at the ballot box too,” Jealous said in a statement issued Sunday afternoon. “I am proud to leave the Association financially sound, sustainable, focused, and more powerful than ever.”

Current Events
NAACP board Chairman Roslyn Brock accepted the resignation and credited Jealous with building a staff able to “meet the civil rights challenges of the 21st century.”

No successor was announced in yesterday’s statement and no one is said to be currently under consideration. 

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Today’s article – NAACP President Ben Jealous announces resignation


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. He helped the NAACP on a lot of levels, but not sure this group is even necessary anymore. What is it they really do now?

  2. Good question BD.

    As per The Grio:
    During that time, Jealous and his team have increased the number of online activists from 175,000 to over 675,000, doubled the organization’s revenue from $23 million since 2007 and nationally expanded their donor base by more than 100,000 individuals per year.

    However, this year more than ever, Jealous has reflected on his promise to his daughter 9she would get her daddy back in 5 years) and while he has just now decided to go public with the news, he says he made the decision to step down in August. [….]

  3. In other words it sounds like the 2 main purposes of NAACP these days are:

    1. To raise money and….

    2. Get out the Black vote for Dems

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