Comments on: Bernie Endorses Hillary News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 14 Jul 2016 04:45:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:01:52 +0000 However, when Bernie refused to acknowledge that his campaign fizzled a long time ago, his supporters did it for him. A variety of politicos who originally worked on the Sanders campaign have long since joined the Clinton campaign. Additionally, Sanders supporters have witnessed the implosion of Donald Trump and already hopped on the Hillary bandwagon if for no other reason than to assure Trump never makes it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. [….]

BINGO! Your entire post is spot on DJ.

The man didn't know when to go somewhere and "siddown." By the time he got around to giving his endorsement to Hillary, the gesture was practically meaningless. As you point out a number of his former staff and most of his supporters jumped over to Hillary quite some time ago. I think the speed with which they jumped probably shocked Bernie. But it shouldn't have.

Yes, his rallies were bigger than hers and the media certainly played up his challenge. But throughout most of the primary season she was beating him in popular votes, totaling over 2 millions more votes by the end.

By: Mr. BD Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:00:55 +0000 I watched them online yesterday and they looked real uncomfortable on that stage. But Bernie acted like he had a gun to his head when he endorsed her. I didn't hear him urge his voters to support her or nothing that made it seem like he was really on her side. The whole thing seemed real bland and he seemed miserable. When Hillary endorsed Obama eight years ago I was surprised but she gave it everything she's got. Bernie just looked like a angry old man who is pissed he didn't win.
