HOLD THE PRESSES! If you’ve been wishing and hoping for former Rep. Beto O’Rourke to drop out of the Democratic presidential contest and clear a path for other candidates with a more realistic chance of winning the nomination, then you haven’t seen the Beto Racism Speech.
It’s been the talk among Democratic circles for several days — and now, it’s the talk across America. FINALLY, a real and long-overdue discussion about racism in America. Yes, the Beto Racism Speech delivered last Thursday in Arkansas during the 3rd annual Bill Clinton dinner has electrified Democrats for the fire and passion it produced. To say that Beto O’Rourke didn’t mince his words would be an understatement. No! In fact, not only did he look and sound very “Kennedy-esque,” but he went there, as in ALL the way there!
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” – Beto O’Rourke
“This country, though we would like to think otherwise, was founded on racism,” Beto boldly proclaimed. “This racism, though foundational, literally kidnapping people from West Africa, bringing them here to build the greatness of this country on their backs, and then denying their ancestors the meaningful opportunity to enjoy in the wealth that they have created.”
Next, he went in on Donald Trump and the Pandora’s Box of racism the man in the Oval Office has opened.
“But it was only until this administration and this president that racism was invited out into the open,” Beto continued. “I reject the idea that a white candidate can’t talk about race. Trump does every day, but in the wrong way.  There must be a right way. RFK. JFK. LBJ.”
The Daily Kos went bonkers for the Beto Racism Speech, saying:
Beto O’Rourke has blown open the President’s cover. He has stripped off Trump’s white hood and cloak. Media and voters are fully immersed in a long-overdue national dialogue about racism and racial injustice, raw and naked.
With so many people tip-toeing around the topic of racism, it’s refreshing to see someone — particularly someone not of color — willing to address the subject head-on. If you haven’t yet seen or heard the speech for yourself, do yourself a favor and check it out below. Granted it was only one speech, but to think there was no there there with Beto may have been a mistake. If he’s not yet ripe to be president this time around, he’s certainly making one helluva case for the vice-presidency.
Our country was founded on racism—and is still racist today. In Arkansas, I said why I believe there’s no denying this reality; and why it’s on all of us to change it. pic.twitter.com/cHLKmCMGEB
— Beto O’Rourke (@BetoORourke) August 18, 2019
Regular readers may recall, a few posts back, we hit upon the discussion of how crucial it is that White Americans who do NOT subscribe to Hate and Racism speak Out against the same. I shared my belief that the “race war” White supremacists and White domestic terrorists have been doing their d*mnedest to ignite (between Blacks/Browns vs Whites) will NOT be the war that takes place.
I still believe the race-war that is in many ways already taking shape is WITHIN White America. Whites who genuinely love this country no longer have the luxury of sitting on the sidelines, going about their daily lives as usual, while Haters, White Supremacists, Gun-nuts, Know-nothings and other assorted Losers tear this country apart.
And yesterday I commended Beto on the Courage he’s displayed calling Out Trump and Racism in America.
Btw- Buttigieg was also among the first to call Out Trump and White Supremacy/White terrorism in America. However, he was, IMO a bit too polite in his tone when he did it….and I suspect that’s the reason he didn’t get as much media attention as Beto, who has been much more visibly moved and vocal in his calling out!
Now that is what I;m talking about. I have to say that was impressive. He really talked about a lot of things people get uncomfortable talking about. But I need to see more from him to think he could be a good president and beat Trump. After that speech I am willing to give him a second chance to prove who he is.