Beware: New ATM Card Skimmers Are Nearly Invisible!
August 7, 2014
Latest Technology In Computers
We all know to be mindful in selecting a safe and authentic looking ATM machine for our cash withdrawals. We also know that outdoor/stand alone machines or those at gas stations are probably the highest at risk and the ones to avoid. However, what we might not know is that even bank lobby ATMs are now being rigged by criminals to skim your card and steal your money.
ATM machine skimmers have become increasingly harder to spot and are now just about undetectable. Old tech skimmers were easier to catch because they often appeared as an overlay or protruding from a card reader. However, new tech skimmers are fitting neatly into the card slot an/or over the keypad as virtually invisible. Pretend plastic ATM parts are being printed with a 3D printer, or being purchased pre-made on the web by rogue sites solely in business for criminals. With this sort of high tech help, all a crook needs is a few pieces of double-sided tape to slap their device over an existing ATM keypad, as well as a cleverly hidden spy camera to record your PIN code and voila… they’re in business.
With no guarantee that the ATM you visit will be entirely safe, you’re better safe than sorry to be proactive in protecting your cash. Even if a criminal can obtain your ATM card info, they need your PIN code to drain your account. So, how can you best protect yourself from ATM skimming scams?
Pay attention when using an ATM machine. Since fake skimmers are typically only secured with double sided tape, yank on the keypad before using it. Don’t worry, you won’t break it. Give the machine some scrutiny before using it. Does it look like other machines nearby? Are there any strange-looking parts that bulge out? Look above the keypad or to the side for pinhole cameras. If anything seems out of place, don’t use it! Also, always be sure to cover the entry of your code with a hand or wallet or purse, just in case a camera is attempting to record your PIN. These steps may seem extreme or as if you’re being paranoid. UNTRUE! Advancements in technology have made this type of protection non-negotiable. Remember, thieves can’t steal what they can’t see.
Latest Technology In Computers
Of course you can also choose to use your Debit Card at a grocery store check out, then request “cash back” as an option. This isn’t always foolproof, but it appears to be the safest method available, short of going directly to a bank teller and asking them to hand you cash.
For as long as Credit and Debit cards in the U.S. continue to rely on old-fashioned magnetic stripes to embed all your info, then require you to punch in a 4 digit PIN at an ATM machine to access your cash, protecting yourself at all costs is an absolute necessity.