Get ready for a huge laugh involving the GOP, President Joe Biden, Barack, and Michelle Obama.
Politics :
We all know that certain factions of the Republican Party are prone to inventing and/or believing some rather outlandish conspiracy theories. For example, there was the belief that Barack Obama wasn’t born in America and was a secret Muslim born in Kenya. Or the one about Bill and Hillary Clinton running a satanic pedophile ring in the basement of a Washington, DC-area pizzeria (in a building that didn’t even have a basement). However, this latest conspiracy out of GOP/MAGA crazy town involves Joe Biden, Barack and Michelle Obama.
According to Fox News, GOP Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is absolutely convinced that Joe Biden is so senile and mentally incapable of serving as president, that former President Barack Obama is actually running the country behind the scenes unbeknownst to everyone.
“I think that’s very serious. It’s been my view for a long time that Barack Obama has been the person pulling the strings behind Joe Biden. Joe Biden is clearly not up to it,” Cruz told Fox News. “I think Obama is the one making the decisions and [former Obama White House advisor David] Axelrod is Obama’s right hand. And we’ve seen for the last 6 months, more and more warning signs that the Democrats are getting scared. Biden is not up to it. Even with his diminished capacity, they don’t think he can do it.”
Yes, Ted Cruz and a few other GOP’ers have masterminded the theory that President Biden is not only unable to serve an additional 4 years, but he’s incapable of running the country even today.
Oh, but wait.
After inventing and instigating the “Obama Birth Certificate” debacle, Donald Trump has since jumped on the bandwagon of this latest conspiracy theory, too.
“It’s never been worse than it is now under crooked Joe Biden and, frankly, his boss, Barack Hussein Obama,” Trump told a crowd of hundreds at a campaign stop in New Hampshire. “I think it’s his boss,” he added in a dig to establish that Mr. Obama is really running Mr. Biden.
Are you ready for more?
The Cruz conspiracy took an unexpectedly sharp turn with yet another outlandish prediction involving Biden, Barack, and Michelle Obama.
Apparently, Ted Cruz also believes that Democrats have already decided Mr. Biden will not serve an additional term. Instead, they will hand the Democratic presidential nomination to a surprise candidate at the 2024 convention: Michelle Obama.
“I sat on my podcast 3 months ago, ‘Verdict with Ted Cruz.’ I predicted that there was a very real chance the Democrats would jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama and that they’d do it at the convention next summer. I think the chances of that are rising every day,” Cruz claimed on Fox.
Interestingly, his words coincided with a May 9th Instagram video showing a woman speaking alongside a screenshot of an article published by the conservative outlet The Western Journal.
“The Democratic Party Just Confirmed Michelle Obama Will Be Its Nominee and Nobody Noticed,” the article’s headline falsely stated. “This is exactly what we were thinking was going to happen,” the woman exclaimed in the video, which garnered more than 2,000 likes in just a week.
Now, although Michelle Obama would likely make a fine president, Cruz’s conspiracy claims are in direct conflict with the words of Mrs. Obama herself.
According to Michelle, not only does she have ZERO interest in being president, but she couldn’t wait to get out of The White House and live a normal life following her first stint at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
“I will not run for president. No, nope, not going to do it,” Mrs. Obama said in 2016 and again multiple times thereafter.
Will Joe Biden decide at the 11th hour not to seek another 4 years as president? Who knows. Have the Democrats secretly considered some other candidate to replace Mr. Biden if he decides to step aside? It’s possible. Is there any truth to the Biden, Barack, and Michelle Obama conspiracy claims that Barack is secretly serving as president now and that Michelle is preparing to secretly take the reigns in 2024? Don’t bet on it!
Nice try, Republicans.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
The GOP’s Biden, Barack, and Michelle Obama conspiracy
Good morning everyone!
Hope that everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday. I certainly did! 😀
Ted Cruz and his ilk are both cynical and craven. They know that Nothing feeds, rabid Trump voters (racists, bigots, Extremely fearful, dumb azzez, and gun-nuts) more than claiming the #1 “Black Boogeyman” is actually running this country right now. While his Equally qualified and brilliant Black wife is preparing to jump in the race if Biden decides not to run for re-election.
Yes, that’s all it takes to scare Repub voters to death! 😱
Hey Truth hope your holiday was good. You are right about your opinion. What Repubs are doing is sounding the bell a black man is in the White House again and everybody should be scared of it. Then, they are about to put another black in to replace Biden and it will be a woman. There is nothing like blacks and women to get these Repubs all riled up.
Now keeping it on the real….
I honestly do wish Michelle Obama would step up and run!
She won’t do it. But I really do wish she would!
I wish she would too. But she made it clear because she has her dignity. They called the Obama’s apes and all that racist stuff. It really bothered her but she had to keep quiet and stay dignified. She said she never wants to go through that again in her life and I do not blame her.
Hey everybody. It was a great holiday and it is good to be back. Now as for Ted Cruz, we all know he is as loony as they come. Nobody should be surprised he would make up something this crazy. But the real story is Repubs are real scared of the Obama’s. Especially Michelle. Smart and educated black people got them worrying they could beat Trump and they are worried.