
Biden Campaign Ads Are Trouncing Trump!

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A trio of Joe Biden campaign ads is trouncing Donald Trump in the polls and has the orange man in the Oval Office seething with anger.

Biden Campaign AdsIf there’s one thing Donald Trump hates the most, it’s being embarrassed and made to look like a fool.  His failed Tulsa campaign rally was an embarrassment.  Photos of him arriving back to The White House last Saturday with orange make-up all over his shirt collar (proving why he won’t/can’t wear a face mask in public) was an embarrassment.  And now, poll numbers from virtually every liberal and conservative news organization showing ‘The Donald’ trailing presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by double digits is an embarrassment.

Oh, but wait — there’s more.

Now, the Biden camp is airing in rapid succession a series of ads that simply beat Donald Trump to a pulp.

Take a look at the Biden video’s below and see just how T.R.U.T.H. is whipping Donald Trump into political submission!


OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Biden campaign ads are toppling Trump.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Great topic DJ and definitely on time. In fact, Joe Scarborough began his show this morning with just this…ads against Trump being launched across this country, and especially in “swing states” like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina and even states like Texas and Georgia (that appear to be turning Purple right now).

    Just as you said, it’s “a series of ads that simply beat Donald Trump to a pulp.” And the great thing about theses ads is that Trump provides the opposition with so much actual material to use that the ads literally write/produces themselves

    Btw- I commend *The Lincoln Project* – “an American political action committee formed in late 2019 by several prominent Republicans and former Republicans. The goal of the committee is to prevent the reelection of Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.” 

    Their new ads against Trump are pretty powerful stuff. 

  2. I want to also add this…………….

    I’ve said before that I think Trump is done and really wants out but he’s trapped. Given all that we’ve witnessed of this guy, especially during this pandemic, his deficiencies, incompetency, and disorders have been Fully exposed for all Americans and the world to see.

    If the polls are even close to being accurate most Americans have had Enough of this horror freak-show called the Trump presidency and WE want an end to it. November can’t get here fast enough for me! But Trump absolutely Fears a humiliating loss. So Scarborough may be right. Trump may not stick around until Nov. He may just check out in Aug. or Sept.

    Whether he stays until the election or not it appears to me that he’s decided to try to burn the whole house down in retaliation. He’s always…Always true to his nature.

  3. ‘Trump administration asks Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare amid pandemic, recession’

    The move comes after Trump confirmed his administration would continue to press for its elimination, ignoring warnings about the risk of voter backlash.

    WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is asking the Supreme Court to wipe out Obamacare, arguing that the individual mandate is unconstitutional and that the rest of the law must be struck down with it.  

    The late-night brief, filed Thursday in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, carries major implications for the presidential election. If the justices agree, it would cost an estimated 20 million Americans their insurance coverage and nullify protections for pre-existing conditions.

    The Trump administration’s brief comes as the U.S. has recorded more than 120,000 deaths from COVID-19, with nearly 2.5 million confirmed cases. On Wednesday, the nation hit a new record for the highest daily total of new infections reported with more than 45,500.  

    For the roughly 25 million people out of work and collecting jobless benefits, the ACA’s marketplaces and Medicaid expansion provide avenues to gain subsidized health insurance with consumer protections. […] – NBC News, June 28, 2020

  4. All kinds of real news jumping today. Predictably, the virus is now surging in Red states and re surging in the blue state of Cali – all due to the ignorance, arrogance and reckless behaviors of far too many Americans.

    And I want to share this – I did a drive-by of a few right-wing conservative sites and IF THEY are any indication of the colossally failing Trump presidency..the chickens are coming home to roost for Donald and his Repub enablers.

    1. ‘The Trump Referendum’ – The Editorial Board, Wall Street Journal, June 25, 2020

    2. ‘The Week It Went South for Trump” – by Peggy Noonan, writer at WSJ, June 25, 2020

    3. ‘The American Infection’ – National Review, June 26, 2020

  5. Every single one of those ads is perfect. Like Truth said the Biden people do not even have to work hard coming up with anything because Trump hands them free stuff to use against him. Just keep talking Trump and Biden will have enough ad material from now to November.

  6. HAHA oh and DJ, so the reason Trump does not wear a mask is so his orange make up does not rub off? That is so funny and probably exactly true. Makes a lot of sense now.

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