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Biden Documents vs The Trump Documents

- How the Biden and Trump classified document situations differ

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Now that classified documents have been discovered inside the office and home of President Joe Biden following his time as vice president, let’s examine why the situation involving the Biden documents is nothing like the situation surrounding the Donald Trump documents.

Top News Today :
Last week, the breaking news shocked the nation: President Biden’s attorneys discovered 10 classified memorandums inside an office that belonged to Mr. Biden following his first White House stint. Additional papers have since been found inside his Delaware home.

Biden Documents
Robert K. Hur (left) is appointed by Attorney General Garland to investigate

At the time, Mr. Biden had just concluded his 8 years as vice president and began leading the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement — a University of Pennsylvania project described as “a new center focused principally on diplomacy, foreign policy, and national security.” The center secured office space in Washington, DC, near the Capitol and opened in 2018. 

According to CNN, the classified Biden documents were Obama-era “intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran, and the United Kingdom,” and were found inside a locked closet back in November of 2022.

Biden Documents

Almost immediately following the news, Donald Trump and his MAGA minions raced to appear on conservative news networks to complain about a perceived double standard and that this was proof the government is out to get him. Trump is facing a possible indictment for keeping classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home after leaving office. So, the TrumpWorld wants to know why Mr. Biden isn’t facing the same consequences.

The answer is not very complex.

When Donald Trump left The White House in 2021, he purposely took more than 300 highly classified and deeply secretive documents on his way out. When US officials discovered the documents were missing, they asked Trump to return the papers — but he refused. Trump claimed the documents belonged exclusively to him, that he wanted them for himself, and that he had every right to keep them. A months-long negotiation ensued, resulting in Trump returning some but not all of the secret papers. Soon thereafter, the FBI was forced to raid Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion and retrieve the documents he refused to relinquish and was purposely hoarding for himself.

Biden Documents

When Joe Biden left The White House in 2017 (as vice president), his aides hurriedly packed up his multiple workspaces inside the West Wing, the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, and at his official residence at the Naval Observatory. During that process, 10 classified documents ended up inside moving boxes and were not discovered until just a few months ago. Additional documents were found since then. Upon discovery, the president’s team immediately returned the Biden documents to the government without being asked. There was no negotiation process or claim of ownership by the now-sitting president. Additionally, Mr. Biden asked his attorney general to appoint a special counsel and launch an investigation for clarity and full disclosure to the American people. Within 24 hours, Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned Robert K. Hur, a veteran prosecutor who worked in the Trump administration, to examine “the possible unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or other records discovered” at Mr. Biden’s think tank and home.

Let’s be clear: both scenarios are severe and a threat to national security. However, the similarities end there.

Donald Trump knowingly stole classified documents from The White House. Joe Biden seemingly had classified documents in his possession by accident. Trump carted away 325 secret papers from the government. Mr. Biden’s attorneys discovered he had only about 25 papers in his possession (some of which were not classified). Trump flat-out refused to return the documents, claimed they were his for the taking, then engaged in a negotiation to return only some of them. Mr. Biden took the initiative to notify government officials of the found documents and immediately returned all of them without negotiation. Trump is accused of obstruction. Mr. Biden is fully cooperating.

Biden Documents
Classified documents found on the floor of Donald Trump’s home

When then-Vice President Biden left office in 2017, most all of his records went to the National Archives. Additional items were transported to a temporary facility about a block away from the White House that was run by the General Services Administration. From there, boxes were sent to another temporary office before eventually being moved to the offices of the Penn Biden Center.

At least on the surface, the fact that 25 classified documents ended up in Mr. Biden’s offices appears to be an inadvertent event that occurred during the packing and shipping process by White House aides and the General Services Administration and not some intentional act by President Biden.

The fact that 300+ classified documents ended up in Donald Trump’s Florida home was a malicious act that was done solely on purpose.

See the difference?

OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
The difference between the Trump and Biden documents.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Let’s be clear: both scenarios are severe and a threat to national security. However, the similarities end there. […] – DJ

I wholeheartedly agree! The difference couldn’t be Clearer…even to a blind man. And no doubt a thorough investigation into the matter will absolve Biden of any malicious or criminal intent.  

That said. I’m not giving Biden a pass on this. I have a huge problem with him having “Classified” documents in his personal possession as well!…because just as DJ correctly states, “both scenarios are severe and a threat to national security.” 

Biden has had them for years! And they’re just now being discovered!?!  

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1

Sorry: It’s Classified

The problem is that a lot of the discussion about this incident boils down to:  

This is really bad because people are too dishonest or too stupid to grasp the difference between Biden’s documents and Trump’s documents.

And that’s fair enough, too. Because many of the people in Conservatism Inc. chirping about the Biden documents are being dishonest. And as for the wisdom of the Great and Good American People, well . . . let’s just say that the jury is out and leave it at that. […] – The Bulwark, Jan. 16, 2023 

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1

Rolling Stone: Rep. James Comer, the Republican House’s incoming Oversight and Accountability Committee chair, failed to clearly articulate why the newly discovered classified documents found in President Joe Biden’s home and former personal office were worth the committee investigating but not the classified documents found at former president Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. “Do you only care about classified documents being mishandled when Democrats do the mishandling?” CNN host Jake Tapper pressed Comer on Sunday’s State of the Union. The conversation began when Tapper asked Comer to react to the latest news regarding five additional classified documents that were discovered in Biden’s residence on Saturday. “Well, my concern is that the special counsel was called for, but yet, hours after that, we still had the president’s personal attorneys, who have no security clearance, still rummaging around the president’s residence looking for things,” Comer said, adding that he believed the residence was “essentially… Read more »


Now Wil you know good-N-well that Repubs are nothing if not Liars and Hypocrites!

They’re utterly incapable of even pretending to have the slightest bit of shame…smh!

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthiz1

We had the day off yesterday but this is all everybody is talking about at work today. One of the partners at the law firm I work at was saying Biden did not do anything wrong legally so there will not be any legal case against him. But Repubs are going to run this in the ground politically and try to make him pay. Also DOJ has to be careful how they handle this because Trump is gong to try and use this to get out of the case they have against him. My boss thinks this could all go real bad or turn out to be nothing so we have to just wait and see.

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