Comments on: Biden Gets Ready To Run! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 25 Aug 2015 17:44:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 25 Aug 2015 17:44:31 +0000 In reply to Mr. BD.

"A Clinton-Castro ticket would be history making and exciting to see too."

Hear! Hear! BD.

…especially when the whole World can see that the GOP has got Nothing. Nobody. Worse than nobody..they've got Trump.

All Hillary has to do is get it together and get on with it.

Just. Do. It.

By: Mr. BD Tue, 25 Aug 2015 17:29:48 +0000 I like Joe as VP but I hope he doesn't run. A Clinton-Castro ticket would be history making and exciting to see too. If the Dems have been setting up Hillary for years with this plan then let it play out. Unless Hillary;s campaign is about to totally collapse over the emails, Joe should go ahead and sit this one out which was the plan all along. I know if Obama made this plan Joe knew about it. So let it be Joe.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 25 Aug 2015 13:06:30 +0000 "Look out, Democratic Party — it looks like Vice-President Joe Biden is ready to run!"

The key words for me are "it looks like." Yes, the media is in overdrive hying this thing but that's mostly what the American news media has become since 9/11….a HYPE machine.

Would it suprise me if Biden jumped in? No. Not really. But I won't be suprised if he stays out of it as long as he can either.

I'm just not sold on the idea he actually wants to run let alone is ready to run(?) The man just loss his son…his "Beau." You don't just heal from that in a matter of weeks or months or (sometimes) even years.

Running for President is not something you do half-heartedly….at least, Not if you're a serious person who takes it very seriously. Which Biden is…and does. He knows the sacrifice it'll take. And he's smart – he fully understands the historical significance of Hillary's run.

For now, as DJ noted, "Biden and his team are keeping a careful watch on continued questions about Hillary’s email use at the State Department."

And THAT's the key. Can Hillary weather the storm (one of her own making) and SOON begin to get back on a strong footing? Well…We shall see.

IF the email crap drags on much longer, however, further weakening her position…then Yes, I think he'll feel compelled to do it.

And on a related note…..

IF, as some have suggested, Trump had conspired with the Clintons to wreck the GOP ..and especially the assumed GOP frontrunner, Jeb Bush, to give Hillary an easier path to the White House, then one can only conclude that that plan has royally BACKFIRED on the Clintons.

Nobody has railed LOUDER against Hillary's "NON-trustworthiness" than Trump. He's even stated that her actions may have been "Criminal."

Gonna be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out.
