It’s official. It’s historical. Biden – Harris 2020 is a go!
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On Tuesday, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden selected Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate. The choice is as historical as the Obama – Biden ticket of 2008 since Kamala Harris is the first woman of color (born to a Jamaican father and an immigrant of India mother) to be tapped for the vice-presidency.
The new Biden – Harris 2020 ticket is among many firsts for Sen. Harris. She was the first Black woman elected to be San Francisco’s District Attorney and the first Black female to serve as the Attorney General of California. Additionally, she is only the 2nd Black woman to serve as a US Senator (following the lead of former Sen. Carolyn Moseley Braun) and joins the ranks of such names as Shirley Chislom and Barbara Jordan as Black women in US history who have sought the highest office in the land.
The selection of Sen. Harris is of particular importance for African-Americans. She attended the historically black Howard University and pledged the historically black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha. In fact, the desire for Mr. Biden to select a Black woman was so important to the African-American community that more than 100 Black male leaders (including Sean “Diddy” Combs, Charlemagne Tha God, Doug E. Fresh, and others) penned an open letter urging Biden to select a Black woman.
“As someone who has said throughout the campaign that VP Joe Biden needs to choose a Black woman VP, the urgency for that pick has gone from something that SHOULD happen to something that HAS to happen,” the statement of solidarity read.

The “official” announcement of the Biden – Harris 2020 ticket will take place today with a joint (virtual) appearance by the newly minted campaign team. However, Joe Biden could not contain his excitement and posted news of his choice to his Twitter page.
I have the great honor to announce that I’ve picked @KamalaHarris — a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants — as my running mate.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 11, 2020
Sen. Harris was also overcome with excitement for what’s to come and tweeted a post of her own.
.@JoeBiden can unify the American people because he’s spent his life fighting for us. And as president, he’ll build an America that lives up to our ideals.
I’m honored to join him as our party’s nominee for Vice President, and do what it takes to make him our Commander-in-Chief.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) August 11, 2020
Former President Barack Obama also tweeted his approval of the Biden – Harris 2020 ticket.
I’ve known Senator @KamalaHarris for a long time. She is more than prepared for the job. She’s spent her career defending our Constitution and fighting for folks who need a fair shake. This is a good day for our country. Now let’s go win this thing. pic.twitter.com/duJhFhWp6g
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 11, 2020
When asked during a Tuesday press conference about his thoughts of Sen. Harris joining Joe Biden for the White House, Donald Trump seemed unprepared for the question. Still, all he could muster was the comment that he thinks Sen. Harris is “very nasty,” a reference he frequently makes about all women.
However, the Trump campaign did make their thoughts of Sen. Harris known off the record and the team is shaking in their boots.
“The one who scares me the most in the general is Kamala Harris,” an unidentified Trump official said. Described by The Washington Times as a “key player” in Trump’s campaign, the official said Harris was the “least flawed” Democratic hopeful in the crowded field of presidential aspirants.
Now the Trump team has to figure out a way to beat Biden – Harris 2020. Too bad his failed response to the coronavirus and myriad other failures might make any attempts to best the Democratic ticket an impossible dream.
It took President Donald Trump less than two minutes to reach for the word “nasty” as he reacted to California Sen. Kamala Harris’ historic selection as the first Black woman to join a major-party ticket.
A few minutes later, the President added “meanest” and “most horrible” to his characterization of Harris and claimed she was “disrespectful” in her attacks on Biden during the Democratic primary, when they stood on the debate stage as equals.
The insults all played into racist and sexist stereotypes about Black women and made clear that Trump does not intend to throw away a playbook filled with misogynistic attacks and dog-whistle racism that have imbued his political career, even as the Biden campaign advances a barrier-breaking ticket.
Trump is so predictable. Like DJ said he calls every woman nasty and rude. Biden and Harris should bait him a few times so he shows female voters all his misoginy.
Well this is a good day. I was very happy about the news yesterday when Kamala Harris made history and joined Biden. I would have been happy with either Harris or Susan Rice but I think Harris is more ready for the political fight. To all my AKA friends I know those sorors are going to darn near go door to door to help get them elected. I am happy to see a Black and Indian woman of color finally get this opportunity.
Hey BD, my babysis is an AKA soror. She couldn’t be happier about this!..lol
Biden/Harris is 45’s biggest nightmare. Had Susan Rice been the pick Republicans would have tripped over themselves litigating Benghazi all over again. They also would have taken advantage of her lack of political experience. Kamala is no push over. Watch videos of how she man handled Kavanaugh and Barr during Senate hearings. She will eat Mike Pence for lunch. Plus let’s not discount the historical relevance of a woman of Jamaican and South Asian heritage at the top of a major political party ticket. This is a winning team.
Regular readers may recall, I don’t care much for Harris but I have no problem with Biden picking her as his VP.
She is the best pick. No question about it.
Trump (and company) will throw all kinds of isht at her but it won’t matter NOT one darn bit. She’s ruthless with a brain. Experienced, confident and competent. Those qualities and more, are the reason Trump and the Repubs are scared to death of her.
I’m new here. What is it you don’t like about her
black latina, I apologize for the delay in responding to you. I signed off of this site before you posted your question yesterday and when I tried to respond later the site wouldn’t let me for some reason. I assume due to a temporary technological glitch.
In short: Harris is incredibly smart but IMO she’s also a little too ruthless and calculating for my taste (all of which, I believe, will serve her well in helping to defeat Trump by the way)
I have NO problem with the fact that she’s “ambitious.” I’m a strong believer that Women of Color should aspire to be ALL they can be and then work hard to make it happen. But she demonstrated during the debate against Biden that she will cut your throat if she deems it necessary in pursuit of her goal.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign has assigned an out woman to be chief of staff to his running mate, putting a lesbian in one of the campaign’s most senior positions.
Shortly before announcing that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) would be his running mate in the 2020 general election, the Biden campaign announced that senior campaign advisor Karine Jean-Pierre would be the vice-presidential candidate’s chief of staff. Jean-Pierre is the first Black person to serve as chief of staff to a vice-presidential candidate.
Oh! Karine Jean-Pierre is gay?! I didn’t know that.
I’ve seen her many times on MSNBC but I didn’t know she’s gay.
I didn’t know she was gay until I found this article.