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Biden Not Running Is A Good Move

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Biden Not Running Is A Good Move

It’s the announcement the political world has been waiting an eternity to hear. On Wednesday, Vice-President Joe Biden confirmed he will NOT be a candidate for President of the United States.

Classy move, Joe!

Joe Biden not running

In remarks from the White House Rose Garden, with his wife, Jill and President Obama by his side, Biden said the window for a successful campaign “has closed.”  He also acknowledged his family is still dealing with grief over the death of his son, Beau.

The decision not to run was perhaps one of the best moves of his political career. Here’s why.

Entering the race this late in the game would have been too steep of a hill to climb, particularly after Hillary Clinton’s strong showing at the recent Democratic Debate.

A recent CNN/ORC poll showed Biden 20 points behind the top 2 candidates, which is an enormous hole. He would have had to play catch up with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in grassroots organization, popularity and fundraising dollars. Because a vast number of top Democrats and donors already pledged their support to other candidates, Biden would have been starting at a deficit. That is not the formula to launching a successful campaign.

Joe and Beau Biden
Vice-President Biden and his son, Beau

Joe Biden’s interest in the Oval Office in recent weeks was likely motivated by his dying son’s plea that he make a third run at the presidency. His emotional state at the moment of Beau Biden’s passing should not be a factor in deciding if he should become leader of the free world. That is just too huge of a decision for such a mournful moment.

Also, Barack Obama likely made a deal with the Clinton’s years ago that after 2 terms, he would get behind Hillary for POTUS — as sort of payback for all the in-person campaigning and donor support they lent him. Additionally, President Obama plucked budding Democratic star Julian Castro from his post as Mayor of San Antonio, Texas, so that he could become Secretary of Housing and Urban Development — predictably as a lead-up to becoming Hillary’s running mate. A Biden candidacy would have derailed most, if not all of those plans. It also would have forced President Obama into the awkwardness of watching his vice-president and former secretary of state battling to succeed him.

Finally, Joe Biden has enjoyed an illustrious political career, culminating with 8 years as THE right hand man (both personally and professionally) to America’s first African-American president. If Biden were to fail to secure the Democratic nomination, or fail to win the general election against the Republican candidate, it would have been an unpleasant final stamp on a lengthy career. Any failure to win may have also left him feeling emotionally guilty for not being successful in the promise he made to his late son.

Joe Biden with wife and ObamaDeciding not to run prevents Biden from setting himself up for possible failure. It gets out-of-the-way of what could be America’s first female president and first Hispanic vice-president. It keeps him from forcing himself to fulfill a death-bed promise, that was made with his heart and not with his head. Plus, it allows Biden to leave a political legacy as perhaps the most important and most involved Vice-President of the United States in history, instead of a 3 time failed presidential candidate.

For an almost 73-year-old man at the end of his political career, that is a perfect final chapter for the history books.

During his nationally televised White House speech, Biden positioned himself as a defender of the Obama legacy and made it clear that even though he is not running, he will not just sit on the sidelines and remain silent.

“While I will not be a candidate, I will not be silent,” Biden said. “I intend to speak out clearly and forcefully, to influence as much as I can where we stand as a party and where we need to go as a nation.”

Those are absolutely perfect words and the perfect decision from the perfect elder statesman.


OK WASSUP! covers political news. Today’s article:
Here’s why Joe Biden’s decision not to run for president
was a good one.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. As I've expressed in the past – I will never forget Joe Biden for his fierece loyalty to Pres. Obama. He's 2nd to none in my book in that regard.

    However, I can't honestly say that I agree with the way he publicly played all of this out as he took the time to make up his mind. he does seem to have led his supporters on a bit. And because the American news media is, IMO, mostly just a BS and HYPE industry so mcuh crap related to "he's running?" was presented at "news" on a daily basis…that it was sickening.

    But back to his actual decision NOT to run……..

    I agree with DJ. It's the right decision and I can't say I was suprised by it.

    His son's death is still too fresh as is the tremendous grief and pain the entire Biden family is no doubt still experiencing.

    Joe's heart was never fully in it …that's why he took forever and day to consider it in the first place.

  2. And on a related note……I have to share this……

    About 24 hours PRIOR to Biden's announcement, little Billy Kristol kept his "I'm WRONG again" streak alive by tweeting the following: "Biden confirms to Obama at lunch today he's running, announces at U Delaware tomorrow. You can feel the Joementum!"

    Kristol is the neoCON prince who helped run game on G. Dubya (via Cheney) and convinced Bush to invade Iraq as a "smart" move. Other Non-insightful prognostications of Kristol include:

    1. Single-handedly picked Sarah Palin to be McCain VP pick proclaiming her "fitness" to be a heart-beat way from the Presidency. Lol. Yeah that's Billy….smh.

    2. Predicted that Obama would LOSE the nomination to Hillary in 2008.

    Tells you how far down the American news media has sank, in terms of crediblity (or rather the LACK thereof), when idiots like Kristol are still invited on news programs to participate in discussions on…well…any topic of national or international importance.

    HuffPost Reader:
    "Seriously,Bill Kristol is the single worst prognosticator of anyone I have ever heard or seen. The only person who gives him a run is Bibi Netanyahu."

  3. I agree with all of this DJ. Joe would have gotten in for the wrong reasons. Like Truth said his sons death is too fresh right now. He did the right thing by staying out.

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