In the first official State of the Union address of his presidency, the Biden SOTU Address 2022 leaned into a message of strength and optimism.
On Tuesday night, President Joe Biden appeared before a joint session of Congress and stressed unity in these uncertain times. With the COVID crisis appearing to wane, the economy beginning to bounce back, and, despite the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Mr. Biden said his confidence in the American people is what gives him assurance that democracy will prevail.

“Now is the hour, our moment of responsibility. Our test of resolve and conscience, of history itself. It is in this moment that our character is formed. Our purpose is found. Our future is forged,” Mr. Biden said. “I know this nation. We will meet the test. To protect freedom and liberty, to expand fairness and opportunity. We will save democracy. As hard as these times have been, I am more optimistic about America today than I have been my whole life.”
Regarding the US, the President said, “The state of the union is strong, because you, the American people, are strong.”
“We are stronger today than we were a year ago,” Mr. Biden said. “And we will be stronger a year from now than we are today. Now is our moment to meet and overcome the challenges of our time. And we will, as one people. One America. The United States of America.”
In his remarks about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the president underscored the importance of unity against Russia within the US and among its allies.
“Six days ago, Russia’s Vladimir Putin sought to shake the foundations of the free world, thinking he could make it bend to his menacing ways. But he badly miscalculated,” Mr. Biden said. “He thought he could roll into Ukraine and the world would roll over. Instead, he met a wall of strength he never imagined. He met the Ukrainian people.”

His remarks received a rare bipartisan standing ovation.
However, despite Democrats and Republicans coming together on Tuesday night in support of Ukraine and its people, at least one GOP member felt the need to attempt to steal the spotlight and be on her worst behavior.
In an astonishing breach of decorum, Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado yelled out at the president in the middle of remarks about the death of his son, Beau Biden, to accuse him of putting American troops in coffins.
“A cancer that would put them in a flag-draped coffin,” Mr. Biden said. “I know —”
“You put them in, 13 of them!” Boebert screamed, referencing the 13 American service members killed in a bomb attack in Kabul during the US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan last August. She was joined by fellow QAnon/MAGA Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia in an attempt to heckle the president.

Needless to say, members from both sides of the aisle turned in shock at Boebert for her outburst and let out audible gasps of “Whoa!” for her blatant lack of respect toward the President of the United States.
Interestingly, President Biden ignored the rude outburst and didn’t miss a beat with his remarks.
For the remainder of the Biden SOTU Address 2022, the president pitched his domestic agenda for the coming year and called on Congress to approve a number of his proposals which have stalled. He acknowledged that Americans are “tired, frustrated, and exhausted” with the pandemic, highlighted the CDC’s recently updated mask guidelines (which state that “most Americans in most of the country can now be mask free”), and outlined steps the US will take to “move forward safely.”
“Thanks to the progress we have made this past year, Covid-19 need no longer control our lives,” he said. “I know some are talking about ‘living with Covid-19.’ Tonight — I say that we will never just accept living with Covid-19. We will continue to combat the virus as we do other diseases. And because this is a virus that mutates and spreads, we will stay on guard.”
Although the president acknowledged the difficulties the COVID crisis has created, his underlying message during the Biden SOTU Address 2022 was clear: the union and its people are strong, resilient, and united.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Biden SOTU Address 2022
The Daily Beast:
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) attempted to make Tuesday night’s State of the Union address all about herself—only to get booed by her colleagues as President Joe Biden solemnly talked about his son dying of cancer and military veterans suffering from burn pit exposure.
Towards the end of his speech, the president turned his attention to an issue that has drawn bipartisan support and attention: increased care for soldiers who have suffered the effects of toxic exposure.
As he announced his plans to provide health care and disability compensation for military members who’ve become ill due to breathing in toxic smoke from burn pits, Biden began explaining how this was a personal issue for him.
“Many of you have been there. I’ve been in and out of Iraq and Afghanistan over 40 times. These burn pits that incinerate waste, the waste of war, medical, and hazardous material, jet fuel, and so much more,” he stated. “And they come home, many of the world’s fittest and best-trained warriors in the world, never the same. Headaches, numbness, dizziness. A cancer that would put them in a flag-draped coffin.”
In a moment that went miles beyond GOP Rep. Joe Wilson’s notorious 2009 “you lie” outburst, Boebert shouted that Biden was the one who had put Americans into those flag-draped coffins.
“You put them in, 13 of them,” she yelled, referencing the terror attack during last year’s chaotic Kabul withdrawal that left 13 American soldiers dead.
Her outburst immediately drew loud jeers from Democratic lawmakers. Making the matter more cringeworthy, Boebert’s shouted comments came just as the president mentioned the death of his son, a military veteran.
Elsewhere in the speech, Boebert and fellow MAGA troll Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)—who was also seen mouthing that Biden is “a fu-king idiot” as the president spoke—attempted to get a “Build the wall!” chant going after the president praised border security, only to find no takers.
Great job DJ. You summed it up beautifully!
Except for when Pres. Obama was president, I rarely watch the SOTU Address.
But I watched Pres. Biden last night and I have to say, I think he did a good job.
Yes indeed.
Those 2 chicks are among the worst of right-wing clowns. And that’s saying something when you consider the political party they represent.
“Interestingly, President Biden ignored the rude outburst and didn’t miss a beat with his remarks.” – DJ
And that’s exactly how you deal with ignorant people who present as “slow” and always acting out just to get attention.
Hey Truth like you say all the time, let the church say amen. lol
I did not get to see the speech but I got to see the recap in the news. They are always trying to say he is not mentally there but I think he did a great job. And those two bozos Brobart and Green need to go sit down somewhere and stop embarrassing themselves. They must have never received home training and learned about manners.