Comments on: Biden vs Trump Debate: A ‘Shit Show!’ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 05 Oct 2020 07:06:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Saleem Wed, 30 Sep 2020 21:01:33 +0000 The minute 45 refused to condemn white supremacy and groups like the Proud Boys the debate was over. Nothing else mattered past that.

By: Wil Wed, 30 Sep 2020 17:38:11 +0000 (CNN) The fact that Tuesday night’s debate in Cleveland was more of a crash than a clash will no doubt dominate the media coverage and people’s memory of the event. No matter how much we would like to wipe the image of that disgraceful spectacle from our consciousness, the indelible stain of a President of the United States behaving like a juvenile delinquent initiating a food fight will be tough to erase. But what may get overlooked amid the pandemonium that erupted at the first of three showdowns between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump was the stark contrast in the two candidates’ body language.

From the opening bell, Biden strode to the lectern with a sense of purpose. Ironically, Trump was the one who seemed sleepy and slow, lumbering onto the stage with all the enthusiasm and excitement of a root canal patient entering the dentist’s office.The candidates’ facial expressiveness also rested on opposite ends of the spectrum. Trump redefined “RBF” (Resting Bully Face) while listening to both Biden and the moderator, Fox’s Chris Wallace. For most of the night, Trump looked like he was smelling rancid milk. It was a judgmental, imperious expression that played right into Biden’s “Scranton vs Park Avenue” comparison, teeing Biden up to cast Trump as a gold-plated elitist. “This guy and his friends look down their nose on people like Irish Catholics like me who grew up in Scranton,” Biden said.

    Trump’s default demeanor came off as angry, hostile and disdainful of the entire process. In fact, when Chris Wallace finally chastised Trump for breaking the very debate rules that his campaign agreed to, his facial contortions resembled a petulant child being scolded. Biden, by contrast, frequently maintained an approachable and empathetic look that underscores one of his biggest advantages over his opponent: likability. When under attack, Biden pulled an oldie but goodie from his greatest hits bag: the incredulous smile, shake of the head and chuckle that was as close to a real-time fact check on Trump as you can get. It was a nonverbal version of Ronald Reagan’s legendary line to Jimmy Carter, “there you go again.” It’s a tactic that served Biden well in his 2012 vice presidential debate against Paul Ryan.

    By: Truthiz1 Wed, 30 Sep 2020 17:27:26 +0000 The problem for Trump and the all out “Race War” that he and his white nativists ilk are consumed by in the feverish swamps of their tortured and twisted minds is this. (and I’ve said this before)……..

    This is the year 2020. Not 1720. Or 1820. Or 1920. It ain’t 1964 or 68 or even the year 2000. It’s 2020.

    The majority of white Americans may still accept their white privileges by default. But I do not believe the majority of white Americans are willing to take up arms against their Black and brown brothers and sisters and destroy the very country that They say (and We say) that We ALL love and have sworn Our allegiance to.

    Nope. I do NOT believe it. And I hope and pray that I am not wrong about this.

    By: Truthiz1 Wed, 30 Sep 2020 17:02:48 +0000 In reply to Mr.BD.

    [Trump refuse to denounce white supremacists or say he would accept the election result. He told these white boy racists to to stand by. Stand by for what? Is he planning a race war in the street or something? ]

    Yes BD. He would rather see this country torn to shreds and burned to the ground by his cultish followers than to peacefully concede the election. Now mind you, he’s too much of a coward to actually INSTRUCT his mindless minions (fake soldiers of war with guns) to burn the country down. He talks in code. And trust and believe white supremacists and white nativists…(I’ve stopped calling them nationalists because they don’t really give a fig about this country)…white nativist HEAR his messages very clearly!

    By: Mr.BD Wed, 30 Sep 2020 16:30:23 +0000 That is a good point about the proud boys. Trump refuse to denounce white supremacists or say he would accept the election result. He told these white boy racists to to stand by. Stand by for what? Is he planning a race war in the street or something? Then he told people to go be poll watchers which is really just intimidation to voters. I see now the CIA or military or somebody is going to have to take care of this because he is out of control.
