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Now that President Obama has signed the new healthcare reform bill into law, his latest task is to get the American public to understand it, accept it, and begin to like it. 

President Obama will hit the road this week to sell healthcare reform to the American people, some of whom still remain confused and skeptical about the package.  The White House acknowledges it could have done a better job of educating the populace on the truths versus myths of healthcare reform, and are eager to press the reset button on promoting the legislation.  Mr. Obama will travel to Iowa City, Iowa, on Thursday, to begin his “big sell” and hopefully begin a slow but sure process of convincing Americans to embrace it.

But according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, more Americans now favor than oppose the health care overhaul, which is a notable turnaround from previous surveys. By a tally of 49% to 40%, those polled say it was “a good thing” rather than a bad one that Congress passed the bill.  Half described their reaction positively as “enthusiastic” or “pleased,” while only 4 in 10 described it  negatively as “disappointed” or “angry.”  48% called the legislation “a good first step” that needs to be followed by more action, while 4% said the bill itself made the most important changes needed in the nation’s health care system.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Republicans have been telling us this was bad for so long we've been believing it. But now we see most support it. Go figure.

  2. Honestly, I attribute the so-called "quick" turn-around in the "polls" (rolling my eyes @ the msm) to the following: The percentage of Americans who actually opposed the Healthcare reform, for whatever reason, was never anywhere near "the majority" number the rethugs and their media cohorts claimed. Two words: Manufactured. DRAMA. While, what amounted to a U-haul truck load of rabble-rousers, ignoramuses and hate-mongers, collectively known as the "Opposition," stayed in the spot-lights EGGED ON BY THE MEDIA to stoke the flames and drum-up ratings___the "silent Majority" stayed AWAY from the circus, as the "CLOWNS" (some of them VERY dangerous btw) worked themselves into a frenzy_smh.In short: Even though the President's "slooow" approach in handling most critical issues drives me crazy sometimes!_he knows what he's doing and should have little-to-NO problem getting most Americans to "understand it, accept it, and begin to like it."In the meantime, somebody had better keep a VERY CLOSE eye on the "clowns."

  3. Quote of the week so far, a painfully accurate observation from David Frum:“Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we’re discovering we work for Fox. And the balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party.” Hat-Tip: Little Green FootballsGood Lord. Over the past 2 years, David Frum has actually emerged as a “voice of intelligence and reason” within the Republican Party.WoW!

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