In Day 2 of the DNC, Democrats picked up last night where they left off the night before — revved and ready.
The prime-time session included words from Sandra Fluke, who Rush Limbaugh called a “slut” for her position on a woman’s right to choose, as well as a speech from Sister Simone Campbell, one of the “Nuns on the Bus,” who brought the crowd to their feet when she questioned Paul Ryan’s Catholic values for turning his back on the poor.
But the star of the night was former President Bill Clinton, who officially nominated Barack Obama for President. Clinton is a master orator and make no mistake, he was in rare form Wednesday night.
In his 48 minutes of remarks, the former president systematically dissected all the charges Republicans hurled at President Obama during their convention last week. He reminded voters of what Mr. Obama faced on his first day in office and the impossible task it was to fix it. “I couldn’t (fix it). None of my predecessors could. No one could fix this mess in 4 years,” Clinton said. He then made light of what Republicans have been telling voters: “We took 8 years to make this mess. He (President Obama) didn’t fix it fast enough, so give it back to us,” Clinton said to raucous laughter.
At the end of his speech, President Obama surprised the crowd by joining Mr. Clinton on stage, as the crowd went wild!
Bill Clinton was there to remind voters of the good old days and to convince voters that Barack Obama is the man for the job and deserves 4 more years. He was so successful, CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer said this was the best speech he’s ever heard from Mr. Clinton. CNN political analyst Alex Castellanos, who happens to be a Republican, also surprised everyone on live television by basically ditching Mitt Romney and saying: “Lock the doors (of the convention). That was probably the speech that reelected Barack Obama.”
It was another good night for us Democrats. Bill took care of business as expected. LOL I hate to admit it but I'm actually enjoying watching the convention. This is one of the best ones in years.
<span>Lol. I'll admit I couldn't resist. I peeped in on the convention last night JUST IN TIME to catch Mr. Clinton doing his *thang.* It was Classic. Clinton. …but even moreso.</span><span></span><span>He's the only politician I know who can do what he does and do it so Masterfully that he's able to hold the attention of millions of American voters for darn near an hour, while leaving the opposition all but totally demolished and wishing they had a Bill Clinton of their own.</span><span></span><span>Politico:</span><span></span><span></span><span>GOP political adviser Steve Schmidt said Clinton’s political prowess is unmatched on either side of the isle.</span><span></span><span>“I wish to God as a <span>Republican</span> we had someone on our side who had the ability to do that,” Schmidt said on MSNBC. “We don’t. It would be great if we did.” </span><span></span><span>Fox News’ Brit Hume raved, “I’ve always said if I were ever in trouble and if I were guilty, especially if I were guilty, I would want Bill Clinton there to defend me. </span><span></span><span></span><span>Nobody does it better. He’s the most talented politician I ever covered and the most charming man I've ever met. And no one in my view can mount an argument more effectively than he can.” </span><span></span><span>Read: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/80813.h…</span>
..and on a related note…..A. Sullivan ask, "What Is There No Republican Bill Clinton?"http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/09/w……and J. Bernstein answers:…..a Republican these days couldn't do what Clinton did tonight, because Republican gatekeepers and, probably, Republican audiences don't want that kind of thing.It's not that there are no solid, factual, arguments for the policies Republicans prefer. There certainly are! But a politician who tried to stick to those would be competing with the Glenn Becks of the party, and the Rush Limbaughs, and the Newt Gingriches, and the "facts" that those party leaders constantly trot out. Democrats, to be sure, have to compete with some fringe voices who have a dubious grasp of facts and policy, but for whatever reason those voices are kept on the fringe. That's just not the case for Republicans.It's not always been that way. But that's how it is now. […]Full read: http://plainblogaboutpolitics.blogspot.com/2012/0…If you ask me, the die was cast the minute the GOP decided to fully embrace a political strategy (an absolutely evil strategy) known as "The Southern Strategy" in order to gain political support in the Southern region of this country. It wasn't the brainchild of Nixon. But he AND Goldwater were among the first Repub politicans to effectively use it against the Democrats. Lee Atwater came along later and fine-tuned it (if you will) further tailoring the GOP message to appeal to right-wing Christian fanatics and neoCon nutjobs. IOW, the end result (the state the GOP today) could have long ago been easily PREDICTED.