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Bill Cosby Admits He Date-Raped Women

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Bill Cosby Admits He Date-Raped Women

For most of the world, Bill Cosby is known as America’s favorite TV dad. However, newly released court documents have confirmed our worst fears: Bill Cosby is a sexual predator.

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Bill Cosby accusersAccording to some rather embarrassing court documents just released on Monday, Bill Cosby admitted under oath that he used a sedative on young women for the purpose of having sex with them. The Associated Press petitioned the court to release the 2005 documents, which were part of a lawsuit filed by 1 of the many women who publicly accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault.

In the documents, Cosby was asked by attorney Dolores Troiani: “When you got the quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?”

Cosby’s answer was YES!

More than 25 women (including actress and model Beverly Johnson) have come forward with claims that Bill Cosby assaulted them over the past 40 years. Each of the women said they passed out after taking a drink or pill from him, and woke up with their clothes off and, in some cases, in physical pain. Because most of the women were up-and-coming actresses, they never went to police out of fear that such claims would ruin their careers.  Now, since most of the allegations are well past the statutes of limitations, it is too late to file any criminal charges against him.

As the amount of claimants against Cosby began to grow, the comedian grew suspiciously silent and never once publicly denied any of the claims.  However, once it became clear the court documents would be released, Cosby immediately ditched his silent act to argue it would violate his privacy and would be irrevocably embarrassing for him.

He was right.

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Despite mounting claims against Bill Cosby over the past year, many Americans simply refused to believe any of the women who came forward.  Much of the general public wanted to maintain the perfect image of “Cliff Huxtable” in their heads. Now, they have been jolted into the reality that behind the mask of Cliff Huxtable is Bill Cosby — an imperfect man and an admitted sexual predator.

Bill Cosby history

R&B singer Jill Scott was one of those Americans who absolutely refused to believe Bill Cosby was capable of date rape.

“I stood by a man I respected and loved,” Scott tweeted on Monday. “I was wrong. IT HURTS!”

About Bill Cosby. Sadly his own testimony offers PROOF of terrible deeds, which is ALL I have ever required to believe the accusations.

— ⭐Jill Scott⭐ (@missjillscott) July 6, 2015

Scott went on to say that her reluctance to believe the claims stemmed from “many African-American men being detained and/or imprisoned for crimes without evidence.” She added that she didn’t want to jump on the media bandwagon against Cosby, but that she is now disgusted for ever choosing to stand by him.

In December, Bill Cosby resigned from the board of trustees at Temple University, his alma mater. Also, the Berklee College of Music decided it will no longer award a scholarship in Cosby’s name. Various comedy venues throughout the country canceled Cosby’s live performances and the comedian has been frequently heckled for the claims against him.

In light of the court admission, the brand of Bill Cosby will almost certainly take a significant hit. However, the man we’ve known and revered as “America’s Dad” and that perfect image we’ve all created in our heads is now gone for good!

Bill Cosby show


OK WASSUP! tracks Entertainment News. Today’s article:
Bill Cosby admits he drugged women for sex.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Mr. BD

All I can say is I knew it. You don't have that many women come out saying you raped them and all of them are lying. This was not a conspiracy to bring him down. He just wasn't the person everybody thought he was. I knew this all along especially when he refused to speak about it and deny anything. Now all those people like Jill Scott and anybody else who was stupid enough to believe him are feeling betrayed now. I know it's too late to arrest him but I hope he gets what he deserves for forty years of raping women. His career should be over now.


Sadly, this just confirms what I had already suspected to be true- Bill Cosby is a serial rapist.

It was Beverly Johnson stepping forward and sharing her story that actually led me to come to that conclusion awhile ago.

And I don't believe for a minute that others….perhaps many Others…had no knowledge of Cosby's predatory history…and that includes Maybe even his wife. Just my honest opninion.

This is truly one of those very RARE cases in America where a very popular Black man was so beloved by millions of people (Black and White) that many people Refused to even consider that the accusations might be true.

Add to that – Cosby's wealth, Power and influence……smh….Many of his victims didn't stand a chance of being believed…

…Until Now.

Mr. BD

Amen Truth. I'm all for giving somebody a chance but this was way past all that. You're right when Beverly Johnson said it is when me and a whole lot of people started realizing it had to be true. Like I said you can't get that many people to go in on a lie just to bring somebody down. It's a sad day for our memory of the nice Bill Cosby but glad we know the truth now.


BD, I honestly don't know how this man sleeps at night!?!

But perhaps he will now sleep a lot less peaceful knowing that it was the eventual Uncovering of his own words…his own testimony…that resulted in the Truth being revealed and effectively showed the entire world who he really is.


I must say at first I thought it might be some sort of conspiracy like Jill Scott thought. I knew people were coming forth, but it was just their words and no concrete proof and the fact that they waited so long and chose to be silent so that their budding careers in some cases would not be destroyed made me ponder if they were telling the truth. Now with this concrete proof, it goes to show what you see is not necessarily what you get. I do hope that those women who suffered at his hands are able to heal if they haven't already from that madness. WOW it makes you wonder. A man who is attractive, has fame and success and married to a beautiful woman has to drug other women and rape them…WOW he has some very deep psychologically issues and a hatred of women on some… Read more »

Random White Guy

Bill Cosby is a dick. I hope he gets sued out the butthole. Just read Whoopi Goldberg still believes he's innocent. What pipe is she smoking??


MSN News: "Cosby Losing Bust In Disney-Owned Hall Of Fame"

On Monday after documents surfaced in which Bill Cosby admitted to getting quaaludes to give to girls he wanted to have sex with, the comedian lost an adamant supporter who had defended him against brewing sexual assault allegations over the last year. On Tuesday, he lost some more support: His bust in the Hollywood Studios Hall of Fame Plaza will be removed, Disney confirmed to a WESH TV reporter in Florida. [….]


His world gets smaller every day. MSN News: "Bill Cosby Dropped by Talent Agency CAA" Actor and comedian Bill Cosby has been dropped by talent agency CAA, Hollywood business publication Deadline reported Wednesday. CAA offered little comment, saying only, “We do not represent [Cosby] at this time.” Cosby had been with the agency since 2012. According to Dealine, CAA cut ties with Cosby in late 2014 but never formally announced their decision. At the time the relationship was severed, Cosby had accused of sexual assault, rape and drugging by more than two dozen women. Since then, more women have come forward, including Chloe Goins, a California model who alleges Cosby molested her in 2008. Unlike those women whose allegations date back to the 1970s, Goins's claims falls within the statute of limitations, which gives her the option of pressing charges. Goins filed a report with the Los Angeles Police Department… Read more »

Mr. BD

I was telling my coworker today his career is over. But it doesn't matter because he's 77 and a multi millionaire. Too bad his whole legacy is ruined and this is what he'll always get remembered for even when he dies.


My disdain for the New York Post notwithstanding…. IF what the NY Post reported yesterday morning is even half true(?) then it confirms, for me, what I've suspected for awhile- Camille Cosby has known about her husbands sexual predatory nature against women (probably) even BEFORE they were married. NY Post: "Bill Cosby’s wife says accusers ‘consented’ to drugs and sex" Last week’s revelation that Cosby admitted during a deposition that he intended to ply women with Quaaludes before bedding them barely fazed Camille Cosby, the ­insiders told The Post. “Camille still doesn’t believe that Bill provided drugs and had sex with women without their consent,” said a source employed by the Cosby family. “She’s well aware of his cheating, but she doesn’t believe that her husband is a rapist.” Mrs. Cosby is “a proud, dignified but stubborn woman. You can say that she’s standing by her husband, but really, the… Read more »


As I understand it, Whoopi's change of mind was prompted by the discussion with Dan Abrams (legal analyst).

When I heard this my first thought was- so let me get this straight……Beverly Johnson's account of how she was assaulted somehow wasn't good enough to persuade Whoppi to even consider the possibility that Cosby is guilty (Johnson being a woman of impeccable character). But a discussion with Abrams is all it took!?!

HAH. Yeah…..NO.

Here's how I see it- the HEAT she was getting grew even hotter AFTER reports of Camille's role in all this mess emerged.

At a certain point, defenders of Cosby…..in particular Black women like Whoopi and Jill….looked. and sounded, like fools.

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