
Bill Cosby And His Epic Fall From Grace

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He was once affectionately referred to as “America’s Dad.” Now, famed comedian and entertainment entrepreneur Bill Cosby is a convicted rapist who could spend the rest of his life in jail.

Some say he is a sexual pervert who got what he deserved. Others claim he is an innocent man who was framed by someone(s) intent on purposely ruining his reputation for good.  However, after at least 60 women came forward to accuse Bill Cosby of making unwanted sexual advances toward them and/or drugging them in order to rape them, it was Temple University staff member Andrea Constand (who came out as gay to prove their sexual encounter was not consensual) who was able to convince a jury and gain a conviction against Cosby.

Andrea Constand

The 80-year-old Cosby was convicted last week on 3 counts each carrying up to 10 years in prison, meaning he could end up dying behind bars.

So, what happens now?

Following the trial, Bill Cosby was freed on a $1 million dollar bail and placed under house arrest.  He was fitted with a mandated ankle tether and restricted to being in his home or visiting his doctors.  His formal sentencing will occur within 90 days, where he faces a possible sentence of 30 years in prison — or virtually the rest of his life.

However, Bill Cosby may never serve a single day in prison.  Here’s why.

His crack team of expensive attorneys have already announced plans to appeal the conviction.  With a bit of legal maneuvering (using his advanced age and legally blind status to their advantage), stalling, and motions to postpone, Bill Cosby could theoretically remain under house arrest until his dying breath.

Regardless of the eventual outcome, the comedian responsible for “Fat Albert,” Jello Pudding Pops commercials, and the beloved “The Cosby Show” has been reduced to a punch line.


On Friday, Temple University, where Bill Cosby received a bachelor’s degree and was a long-serving public face and key fundraiser, said that his conviction for sexually assaulting a former employee has forced them to rescind the honorary doctorate awarded to him in 1991.  Temple is only 1 of more than 20 colleges and universities across the US that have now revoked honorary degrees from Cosby, including Ohio State University, Johns Hopkins University, Carnegie Mellon University, Notre Dame, Boston College and Wesleyan University/

Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

OK WASSUP! covers Entertainment News:
Bill Cosby conviction = fall from grace.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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“Regardless of the eventual outcome, the comedian responsible for “Fat Albert,” Jello Pudding Pops commercials, and the beloved “The Cosby Show” has been reduced to a punch line.” – DJ

And isn’t that just the sad and pathetic Truth.

Do I believe each and every one of those woman who accused him of “rape” or “sexual assault” is telling the truth? No.

But I don’t believe each and every one of them is lying either. If he “raped” or “sexually assaulted” even just One woman…that AIN’T okay.

And the irony isn’t lost on me either. Whatever the actual number of his “victims” …in the end, he was “brought down” by a “Gay” White Female.

Btw- I agree with DJ -“Cosby may never serve a single day in prison.” But we shall see.


Oh and *Word* to R. Kelly: Your time is bout up too “bruh.” You’d better “Check yourself before you Wreck yourself.”


He got what he deserved and DJ is right he probably won’t go to jail at all. But one thing everybody talking about Cosby is forgetting. After all the BS Donald Trump has pulled on women, how is Cosby going to jail but Trump is at the White House????


BD trust and believe, Everyone talking about Cosby HASN’T forgotten about Trump and all the BS he’s done to woman. But about 63 million (mostly) White Americans (and even some Blacks) chose to IGNORE all that and voted for that grotesque creature anyway!?!

I do NOT understand it. I will NEVER understand it. And I sincerely pray that I never become anything like those voters. My. Lord. How any of them sleep at night and face themselves in the morning light I honestly Do. Not.Know!?!

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