Tim Scott For President Of The United States?
It was the worst-kept secret in politics. Tim Scott wants to be President of the United States.
Politics :
On Monday, Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina — who happens to be the only Black Republican in the US Senate — announced his candidacy for the GOP nomination for president. Apparently, Scott believes he has the goods to take on Donald Trump, as well as a few other GOP candidates expected to run including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, and others.

Sen. Tim Scott presented a soft roll-out of his campaign in February, which was followed by the announcement of an exploratory committee in April. Now, the senator has made his intentions official.
“Our party and our nation are standing at a time for choosing: Victimhood or victory?” Scott said while repeating the choice three times to a packed and boisterous morning rally in the gym of his alma mater, Charleston Southern University. “Grievance or greatness? I choose freedom and hope and opportunity.”

Tim Scott was introduced by the #2 Republican in the US Senate, John Thune of South Dakota, who also gave his endorsement. Scott will immediately begin a $5.5 million advertising blitz targeting Iowa and New Hampshire with his $22 million fund-raising war chest along with several veteran GOP political operatives to work on his behalf.
If Sen. Scott believes this will be fair and smooth sailing for him, he should think again. Not only will he have to go up against the powerful MAGA political machine of Donald Trump, but he will be forced to answer uncomfortable questions about his personal life.
The 57-year-old senator is single, has never been married, and has never been publicly connected to a relationship of any kind with anyone during his entire political career. He is also on record for supporting total and complete sexual abstinence until marriage.
So, it should come as no surprise that a reporter was ready and waiting on Monday with a question Sen. Scott was clearly not expecting.

“Are you a virgin?” Washington Post reporter Ben Terris asked the new Republican presidential candidate.
“I’m not talking about my sex life with Ben Terris,” Scott answered while appearing visibly awkward and shaken. “Now, I’ve got to go potty.”
Does Sen. Tim Scott have what it takes to be president? Or, more importantly, does he have what it takes to be a Republican candidate for president?
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Sen. Tim Scott announces run for president.
Well I’ll say this for Sen. Tim Scott, his presidential campaign will definitely be an interesting one to watch because, as DJ points out, Tim’s own personal life is mostly a bit of a mystery. To say nothing of him being a Black Republican from South Carolina who says that America is not a racist county.
Anyway, he should expect reporters to ask some uncomfortable questions about a range of uncomfortable topics. He won’t be able to duck and dodge those questions for long. And bullsh*t answers will not do!
Now let’s cut to the chase…
Tim Scott is a Black man. He has Zero chance of winning the Republican nomination for president. Full stop.
I don’t care how much money he’s raised and thus far he has raised a lot of money. In fact, he reportedly has more “hard cash” on hand right now than any other candidate.
That doesn’t change the fact that he has absolutely no chance at winning the Republican presidential nomination.
This fool does not have a chance in hell of winning anything. Repubs are not going to nominate a black man. Then none of them are going to make him president ever. I wonder is he as clueless as he seems.
The question they asked if he is a virgin is funny. I always thought he was gay. If he is suppose to be saving himself for marriage but is already in his fifties something is going on.
Lol..yes indeed BD, you got that right!