BREAKING NEWS: President Obama has decided NOT to release the photos of a deceased Osama Bin Laden. According to sources, the president believes any photos could make Bin Laden a martyr and play directly into the hands of terrorists, who could use the photos as a recruitment tool to bring harm to America.
Some things are better left unsaid. Or in this case — undone!
Since the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden last Sunday, the media has been clamoring for play-by-play details, hoping to fill in the blanks of the last moments of life of the world’s most wanted terrorist. One of the biggest requests is for the Obama administration to release a death photo of Bin Laden — a request the administration is actually considering. And that is a BIG mistake!
Releasing a photo of a deceased Bin Laden with a gun shot wound to his head would simply play right into the hands of al-Qaida and its network of terrorists. The White House already goofed by admitting that Bin Laden was unarmed when he was shot in the face and killed. But providing hard copy photo proof of his death would become an instant propaganda tool for perpetuity.
Terrorists are salivating at the idea of the U.S. releasing a death photo. That photo, combined with admitted information about Bin Laden being unarmed, will be enough to stir up the emotions and anger of Bin Laden supporters worldwide. These terrorists will be able to make an easy case that the U.S. entered a sovereign nation (Pakistan) without their permission, shot and killed an unarmed citizen, then gloated over the victory by posting gruesome death photos of the deceased. Since we are a visual society, that one picture could be enough to stir up trouble for many more years to come.
Some members of the administration are cautioning the president NOT to release the photos, simply because he has nothing to prove. They are also saying the photos are so grotesque, the risk of them being viewed by children or over your morning cup of coffee is too great. But others are insisting the photos be released, if for nothing other than to satisfy curiosity and prove the death is not a hoax!
OK let’s face it: Osama Bin Laden is DEAD! And photo or not, there are a collection of people who will simply refuse to believe it no matter what. Sort of like the people who still refuse to believe Barack Obama was born in the U.S., even after he showed his original birth certificate. Hmmm…
The truth is, I've got mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, I too believe: "Releasing a photo of a deceased Bin Laden with a gun shot wound to his head would simply play right into the hands of al-Qaida and its network of terrorists."On the other hand: I'd prefer to defer to the consensus among Muslims (Americans and Non-Americans) and quite frankly many of them are saying they want see proof he's dead BEFORE they can really breathe easier.And as to the point: "The White House already goofed by admitting that Bin Laden was unarmed when he was shot in the face and killed."I'm glad the President had his people tell the Truth about Bin Laden being unarmed at the time of his death. To LIE to…and/Or withhold the Truth from, and/Or intentionally MISLEAD….the American people (and the World) about what really went down for geo-political PR reasons would make Obama no better than Bush and Cheney in my eyes. Honestly, what do I care if he was unarmed!?! He was a mass-murdering Terrorist, responsible for the deaths (and other related atrocities) of thousands…if not tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of UNARMED and INNOCENT people (Non-Americans and Americans). And let me be clear. I do NOT celebrate bin-Laden's death. But I appreciate the fact that TODAY there is one LESS mass-murdering Terrorist walking the earth.
I don't know Truth I think I gotta agree with DJ and the story here. No matter what photos are put out, there's still gonna be some people who won't believe it regardless. But so what? Is it more important that people believe it, or that bin Laden is dead? I think if somebody in my family was killed but the police put out a photo of their dead body, I'm gonna be pissed everytime I look at it. I think that's the same thing that will happen with these bin Laden photos. Best to let it go.Plus, we all know they planned to kill bin Landen all along. He was never gonna be a prisoner on trial. But again, if I heard my family member was shot by police even though he was unarmed, I'm gonna be more pissed than if I heard he was shooting back. I think telling the truth to these terrorists works against us in the long run.
The people wanting these pictures out are the same ones who always stop and gawk for dead bodies when they see a car accident on the street. If you want to see blood and gore, go to a movie!
Regarding the photo: BD I'm not saying that I disagree with you and DJ. I'm simply saying I have mixed feelings about it and would rather defer to the consensus among Muslims on this matter.Now regarding the Truth about how bin Laden died? You're right. There is some risk to that.But I still feel it's better get the Truth out there NOW rather than letting a Lie make the rounds AND THEN having to explain, later (when the Truth is revealed…and eventually it WOULD be revealed) why the Lie was allowed to stand. It goes to Credibility and Trust.
The President has made the decision and hopefully this puts the matter to rest.
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 20.0px; font: 14.0px Helvetica; background-color: #eeeee9} span.s1 {font: 18.0px Helvetica; color: #ff0300}<span>BREAKING NEWS:</span> President Obama has decided NOT to release the photos of a deceased Osama Bin Laden. According to sources, the president believes any photos could make Bin Laden a martyr and play directly into the hands of terrorists, who could use the photos as a recruitment tool to bring harm to America.
<span>Excellent decision, in my opinion.</span>