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For all the conspiracy theorists who wish to believe the death of Osama Bin Laden is a prefabricated lie, a boatload of proof has just come in.

Over the weekend, the White House released 5 videos it seized during last week’s raid on the Bin Laden compound.  The footage contains never-before-seen outtakes of Bin Laden during his many post 9/11 speeches, as well as images of him at home wrapped in a blanket and rocking back and forth, while watching televised news stories of himself.

But if that wasn’t enough, Al-Qaida itself confirmed that Bin Laden was in fact killed by U.S. military forces, vowing to avenge his death by never again allowing Americans to enjoy peace and security. Navy Seals uncovered proof during the raid that not only was Bin Laden actively leading Al-Qaida terrorism, but he and the organization were planning a series of attacks this September, to coincide with the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  The threats reportedly involved placing obstructions on U.S. rail lines, causing massive derailments or more.

The death of Bin Laden has effectively crippled Al-Qaida, causing an obvious power vacuum at the top and a battle for who should be the new leader.  But it has not killed it.  There are dozens of factions throughout the world, who will likely rise up on their own over the next several months, looking to carry on Bin Laden’s work and make a statement.  But without one revered leader,  the chances of them having success on any large scale is remote.  And since the U.S. also seized names and numbers of some of Bin Laden’s most trusted foot soldiers, those terrorists are likely running for cover in hopes of avoiding capture, or worse, the same fate that Bin Laden met. 



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Those tapes are pretty solid. And like you said DJ, Al Quaida already admitted the guy is dead. Anybody who still can't believe it doesn't wanna believe it.

  2. Co-sign with DJ and BD. No amount of actual Proof will do for SOME people (Haters and nutjobs). I was really struck by how old and pathetic looking bin Laden appears to be in the videos, which confirms for me what I've suspected since 9/11: The Bush/Cheney administration made bin Laden and al Qaida into a bigger "boogey-man" than they had ever been able to achieve on their own. Not to minimize in any way the horrors of the 9/11 attacks. But keeping everything in perspective, 9/11 was the beginning of the end of bin Laden. Ten yrs later, clearly, the man had been reduced to a shell of himself and al Qaida is literally in tatters…still dangerous…but in tatters. 

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