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In Arkansas, birds are dropping dead from the sky while fish are dying mightily in the river.  Yet no one seems to know exactly why — or do they?

Moments before midnight on New Year’s Eve, 5000 blackbirds inexplicably fell from the sky and died, leaving a mile-long trail of bird carcasses just outside of Little Rock.  “Shortly after I arrived, there were still birds falling from the sky,” said Arkansas Game and Fish officer Robby King.  This comes after nearly 100,000 drum fish were found dead on a 20 mile stretch along the banks of the Arkansas River last Thursday.  So, what’s going on?

Environmental officials are attempting to downplay both incidents as unrelated and unimportant.  Commission ornithologist Karen Rowe explained that the birds could have been struck by lightening or been killed by high-altitude hail.  But her explanation doesn’t clarify why 5000 birds would be airborne at midnight and subjected to hail, instead of nesting comfortably in the trees.  Nor does her explanation say how a brief lightening strike would cause birds to continue falling from the sky even when Game and Fish officer King arrived on the scene.

Regarding the nearly 100,000 dead fish, environmentalists assumed their death was likely caused by a pollutant or waterborne disease.  But as Keith Stephens of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission pointed out, the massive death “only affected one species of fish.” According to him, “If it was from a pollutant, it would have affected all of the fish, not just drum fish.”

Could these odd deaths be explained away as just happenstance?  Or is it possible that some sort of bio or radioactive tests or mishap in the area could be the real culprit?  Hmmm…



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. "Could these odd deaths be explained away as just happenstance?"Umm..Yep. But I certainly ain't buying it…smh."Or is it possible that some sort of bio or radioactive tests or mishap in the area could be the real culprit?"You're darn skippy!

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