Birther Trump Fakes Reversal On Obama

Politics –
Birther Trump Fakes Reversal
On Obama
Surprise! Â After years of leading the birther movement and claiming that Barack Obama was ineligible to be President of the United States because he wasn’t born in America, Donald Trump has now reversed course.
The entire universe knows that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. However, in an attempt to ruin the 2 terms of America’s first African-American president, Trump and his birther minions spent years invalidating the Obama presidency by demanding a birth certificate, and then declaring it a fraud when Mr. Obama actually called his bluff and presented one.
No other president in American history has been prodded by private citizens to prove their citizenship… until that president was a black man who Trump claimed was from Kenya.
Now, miraculously, Donald Trump has changed his mind.
“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it. I finished it. You know what I mean?” Trump declared in an odd statement on Friday. “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again. Thank you, thank you very much.”
Oh, Donald, you are fooling no one, especially Democratic strategist Paul Begala, who said he believes Trump’s statement was a mere wink-and-a-nod that really meant this:
“My fellow oppressed, aggrieved, angry white folks: I truly do love the poorly educated. Hillary is a witch, and a weak one at that. She lost to Obama and let that Kenyan Muslim become president. I am the only one who has stood up to the Great Imposter, and I cannot wait to see him moved out of our White House. I will replace his weak-kneed whimpering with a warrior’s battle cry. I have to say this crap about Obama’s birth because the media wants to crucify me. But watch my eyes: they’re blinking in Morse Code: K-E-N-Y-A-N. You get it. It’s like a hostage tape. I need you more than ever. We must not allow the coastal elites to replace a weak Kenyan with a weak woman. Thank you, thank you very much.”
Yes, Begala believes Trump’s words were code to his plethora of angry white voters who still haven’t gotten over a black man being legally elected twice to reside in THEIR White House. Begala has a very interesting point.
Donald Trump spent YEARS convincing dumb Americans who were part of the birther conspiracy that Barack Obama was a secret Muslim from Kenya. However, when PRESIDENT Obama disproved those outlandish claims with a legal birth certificate, Donald Trump still refused to believe the proof that he, himself demanded. So, what happened between then and now to magically convince Trump that Mr. Obama is indeed a legitimate American and therefore a legitimate president??
Donald Trump’s candidacy, that’s what!
Just like his pretend outreach to African-American voters with a couple of drive-by visits to a few black churches, Trump is playing a game with those too stupid to know better. Or, to use black vernacular, he’s speaking out the side of his neck (translation: saying one thing, but meaning another).
Just as the Ku Klux Klan once exchanged their hoods for business suits in order to “fit in,” Trump has now exchanged his birther claims for a more mainstream message. However, do not be fooled. No matter how much he pretends that a new and improved Trump exists, he’s still the same old racist bigoted birther he always was.
Donald Trump is trying to have his cake and eat it, too. He’s trying to broaden his appeal among middle-class white voters who are less than comfortable in voting for a bigot, by reaching out to blacks and even offering his approval of the Obama presidency (4 months before his 8-year term ends). Â Oh, thank you, Massa Trump! However, he’s also whispering to his fellow racist supporters that underneath the facade, he’s still the same, good ol’ boy savior of the White race who will once again purify the presidency and restore The White House back to where it belongs.
Donald Trump, you are fooling NO ONE! Â Black America, and certainly Barack Obama does not need, want, or require your opinion on his citizenship. Â PRESIDENT Obama — America’s first black president — has survived 7 years and 8 months without your approval. Â Surely he can make it 4 more months without it, too!
Hahah oh DJ you went all the way in and got me cracking up over here. Paul Begala went in too. But you hit the nail right on the head about Trump. He is just winking and noding trying to have it both ways. I saw that press conference and he didn't look like he believed a word coming out of his mouth. Like my grandmother use to say he ain't fooling nobody.
I agree. Paul Begala is definitely on point as is DJ's entire post. Great summary.
Once again Trump shows himself to be full of isht. And once again this comes as no surprise to anyone with even a speck of intelligence and any sense of integrity.
Btw- I truly feel that most *birthers* only bought into the *birther* LIE because of their own racist beliefs. They know Pres. Obama was born in America. But they can not accept that a Black man actually won the presidency….and not once…but Twice!?! Nope. It's just too much for their poor little mucked-up minds to handle. It messes with their White supremacist worldview they so deeply hold, going back generations.
A Black man can't possibly have achieved ALL that Pres. Obama (and Michelle) have achieved – personally, academically and certainly not politically. Why h*ll, "errbody knows N*ggas twernt never supposed to amount to nothing" except being poor, dumb, stupid, shiftless, lazy, no-count, angry, violent and criminals. Oh and don't forget "they ALL on Welfare."
So why mess with all those comfortable LIES?
White supremacists need to believe in those lies to give their own sorry lives some worth. They must ignore ALL of BLACK history which is filled with FACTS that have long since told THE WORLD the actual TRUTH of Black-America – ALL we have endured, overcome and achieved IN SPITE OF all that We continue to endure.
I said all that to sat this. Most birthers know the Truth. They just can't handle it.
But as my grandmother used to say "NO LIE can live forever."
Btw- Trump and ignorant-azz, hateful folks (like Trump) couldn't handle THIS truth either.
God, Family, Education and Hard-work have been the Chief-cornerstones of beliefs in My Black-American family going back generations.
And that characteristic is NOT unique in any way to only My Black-American family.