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BISHOP EDDIE LONG: “Let’s Make A Deal”

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Remember Bishop Eddie Long?  You know, he’s the pastor of the Atlanta based mega church who was accused of sexually molesting several young boys over many years.  Yeah, him.  Well, have no fear because he’s back in the news.

When the charges against Bishop Long first began to surface during the summer, he didn’t totally deny them — but he didn’t totally admit to them either.  Instead, he said “I feel like David, against Goliath,” exclaiming that he would fight, fight, fight the charges in a court of law so as to clear his good name.  “I got five rocks” Long said, “and I haven’t thrown one yet!”

But on Tuesday, instead of preparing to defend his honor in a court of law, Bishop Long concocted a plan to enter into mediation with all of his accusers.  This means that all parties would go into a private room with their lawyers, the incredibly wealthy Bishop Long would offer a financial settlement to each of the young male accusers, and if accepted, all parties would leave the room under a gag order never to speak of the settlement or charges of molestation again.  Long would avoid the courtroom, any admission of guilt, and a potentially embarrassing public trial, leaving him free to go back to his multi-million dollar business of pastoring a 10,000 member mega church and “mentoring” other young church boys.  Hmmm…

So much for wanting to “fight, fight, fight” in a court of law!



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Is there anybody on the planet who doesn't see this guy is guilty? Why do mediation and offer to pay settlement unless your guilty? I just hope he doesn't keep hurting other young men

  2. You read my mind BD!!!This disgusting excuse of a human being is as GUILTY as H*ll and anybody with even a speck of intelligence and common sense knows it! The spotlight is on him now so he'll lay low and slither about (like a viper), while he quietly but aggressively seeks to settle this thing Out.Of.Public.View.But make no mistake about it: He's a REAL threat to every young person he comes in contact particular young Black males..and when he feels it's safe to strike again…HE WILL 🙁 .  

  3. Somebody has to take this guy down or he'll just do it all over again. I hope the mediation doesn't work. Then they have to go to court and he'll get exposed for the sex freak and fraud that he is.

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