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New details have emerged regarding just how much cash Atlanta mega-church pastor Eddie Long had to give up, in order to shut up the 4 men who accused him of inappropriate sexual contact while they were teens.

According to a source familiar with the final settlement, Long has agreed to pay a whopping $25. million to make the case go away. The men are to immediately divide $2.2 million equally and then receive $400,000 a year in payments until the money is paid out over the next 20 years, the source said. The final figure comes to $22 million for the 4 men and $2.8 million for their attorneys.

This is surprising, since IF Bishop Long were innocent and willing to go to court and clear his name legally (as he originally said he would do), that would not have cost anywhere near $25. million dollars.  But the fact that Long was willing to agree to such a humongous payment over multiple years, does call into question his innocence.

Incidentally, Long began asking his church members on Sunday to make a $500., $1000., or $5000. instant donation to the church, supposedly for the “building fund.”  Since the church is already housed in a fairly new 24,000 seat mega-building, it’s not odd to wonder if these new “donations” might be going toward his sexual settlement.  Hmmm…


CNN contributor Roland Martin, who also happens to be a minister, recently took Bishop Long to task for mishandling the accusations and for his response to the aftermath:

When Bishop Eddie Long stood before his congregation in Lithonia, Georgia, on Sunday to declare he would not be focused on the past and would look forward, his supporters said that was the right thing to do after he settled a civil suit alleging he coerced young, male followers into sex.

Yet now he settles a lawsuit, keeps the details private, refuses to speak publicly about the accusations and expects some form of forgiveness? It’s just not that simple.

If you are truly innocent of such heinous allegations, you don’t go behind closed doors. You defend yourself publicly and shame those who try to muddy your name and derail your ministry.



DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. And in other related sorry news…..Creflo Dollar speaks out in defense of Long: TheRoot.comA YouTube video of Pastor Creflo Dollar defending Long is making its way across the blogosphere.In the video, Dollar addresses church members for turning their back on their pastor, who recentlysettled four sexual-coercion lawsuits when he is in trouble.Dollar likens Long's "troubles" to a "wreck," applauding the fact that Long had "insurance" — i.e., Jesus. Dollar admonishes Long's followers who are looking a new church home in his ministry.Dollar preaches:<span>"That [Long] is my friend, that is my brother in the Lord. If you came from there, you get on back over </span><span>there where you're supposed to be and do what you need to be doing because he got insurance and </span><span>Jesus paid the premium."</span> <span>Video: </span><span&gt <a href="http://;</span&gt;” target=”_blank”>;</span&gt;

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