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Is Mitt Romney beginning to pull ahead of the pack and becoming unbeatable in his quest for the Republican nomination for president? If Saturday’s GOP debate is any indication, it’s very possible!
With the New Hampshire GOP primary set for tomorrow, Saturday’s debate was the perfect opportunity for Romney’s rivals to knock him off message and down a few notches in the polls. But despite their best efforts via a bevy of stump speeches and negative ads, none of the candidates have seemed to make any headway.
Romney has long been expected to win New Hampshire and is currently ranking at 40% in state polls. Although that will be tough to beat, the ABC hosted debate was an opportunity for new GOP “it” boy Rick Santorum to put a dent in the Romney bandwagon. Still inexperienced and not yet comfortable with his new found near front runner status, Santorum has been looking for a formula to chip away at Romney.

“Of course I was talking about Governor Romney,” Santorum said. “Well, business experience doesn’t necessarily match up with being the commander-in-chief of this country.”
Romney quickly defended himself with a charge that Santorum was a lifetime politician who lacked the understanding of the economy.
“I think people who spend their life in Washington don’t understand what happens out in the real economy,” Romney said. “They think that people who start businesses are just managers. The commander-in-chief of this country isn’t a CEO.”
Nice try, Rick!
Romney won last week’s Iowa Caucus by a slim 8 vote margin. If he wins New Hampshire as expected, then goes on to a possible win in South Carolina, he could be well on his way to the nomination. Stay tuned!
<span>Can Romney be beat? Short answer: No.</span><span></span><span>I skipped the debates over the weekend but I've read quite a few reviews. </span><span>By nearly all accounts I missed nothing. </span><span></span> <span>Apparently the job Mitt's SuperPac did on Newt in Iowa was enough to politically kill Newt off.</span><span></span> <span>For all of Newt's yammering implying he was now going to take the gloves off and go nuclear on Mitt? </span><span>Thus far it's been mostly hype. And </span><span>I don't think the other candidates really matter. </span><span></span><span>The entire GOP field is the worse, and weakest, I'ver ever seen. </span><span></span> <span>Romney's a shameless opportunist. There ain't much more to be said about the man. He sways any which </span><span>way the winds blows in pursuit of the nomination. </span><span>But Romney IS a professional and he's up against rank amateurs, including Hunstman. The GOP base continues to be </span><span>fractured which means a pluarlity vote win for Romney. </span><span>In the meantime: The media can spare me the manufactured drama and polls I NEVER trust. I'm only interested in the final results, </span><span>beginning with how many people actually show up to vote in the GOP primaries. </span><span>Given that N.H. is supposed to be tailored-made for Mitt to secure a big win tomorrow, I expect him to win </span><span>N.H. with at least 35% of the votes AND by double-digits (10-12%) over the 2nd-place winner. His failure to do so will, IMO, further confirm his </span><span>weakness (among voters) as a candidate. </span>