Comments on: Black Bias Toward America’s Black President? News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 25 Feb 2016 04:32:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Random White Guy Thu, 25 Feb 2016 00:17:43 +0000 Why is it anytime a white person disagrees with Obama it's always about race? Stop playing the race card for Christ sake.We have a right not to like the guy.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 24 Feb 2016 22:51:46 +0000 'Grassley on Supreme Court stand: I don't care if I go down in history"

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) says he doesn't care how history judges him for refusing to consider President Obama's next nominee for the Supreme Court.

“Do you think I spend my days wondering about how Chuck Grassley will go down in history?” he told reporters on Wednesday, according to The Des Moines Register.

"I don’t care if I ever go down in history,” added Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I’m here to do my job.” [….]

H/T: TheHill

(blank stare)

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:34:41 +0000 This afternoon:

"Obama strikes back at GOP on Supreme Court fight"

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with King Abdullah of Jordan, Obama said Republicans are approaching the process with flawed logic, noting he finds it ironic that Republicans who say they are constitutional conservatives are fighting him.

“None of the founding fathers thought when it comes to the president carrying out his duty he should do it for three years and on the last year stop doing that,” he said. “The truth of the matter is that traditionally the term lame duck refers to two or three months after an election takes place in which a new president is about to be sworn in.”

He said that he's spoken to many Senate Republicans already and that he hasn't found their arguments compelling. “There’s not a lot of vigor when they defend the position," Obama said.

Republicans, meanwhile, dug in their heels. […]

H/T: Politico

Like BD said the President "always outsmarts Repubs." And as ususal, Repubs are asisting the President with doing just that..Lol.

The other day it was reported that 'the base" has warned Repub leaders "don't let Obama win" even if costs the Repubs their majority in the House and Senate. Can you say Stuck.on.Stupid?!…smh.

They can't beat the President. They can't break the President.

Honestly. They're just…pitiful. Dangerous. But also Pitiful.

By: Truthiz1 Wed, 24 Feb 2016 17:10:42 +0000 @DJ- Co-sign with BD "you've gone and done it."

Of course WE all know The Truth. H*ll, the Repubs can't hide it or deny it anymore. Thanks to Trump Everything is finally Out in the open for all the world to SEE.

And I must say ………..

As long as I live I will never ever forget what the Repubs…especially right-wingers put Pres. Obama through.

Disagree with the President's politics…with his policies. Heck even take issue with the way he dresses, if you just must have an excuse not to like the man. But to Hate a man, primarily, because of the Color of his skin?!

Honestly, I sometimes sit and and think to myself- ..what degree of darkness, emptiness, failure and Fear dwells within the heart and mind and soul of carriers of such a deadly disease? Hate.

I could almost….Almost….feel sorry for such a sad lot. But then I am reminded of just how Hateful they truly are and all I can do is shake my head.

@ Pres. Obama – Press on Mr. President. They cannot break you. And they know it.

By: Mr. BD Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:50:22 +0000 Ok now DJ you've gone and done it. As my grandmother used to say, tell the truth and shame the devil. Repubs have never liked this black president. They tried to bait him into one trap after another but he always stayed classy and above BS. They never liked him sitting in their white house so of course they are going to try and cut his term short. He wasn't supposed to have one term to begin with, let alone two. I know he has a trick up his sleeve for them though. He always outsmarts Repubs. I can't wait to see how this all turn out, especially in November.
