Comments on: THE BLACK CHURCH, GAYS AND OBAMA News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 16 May 2012 12:23:16 +0000 <span>A few related articles……   "Black Christian Voters: Get Over It"    Are we really willing to let what people do in their bedrooms influence what we do at the polls?   Whether he (Pres. Obama) was forced to say something by Vice President Joe Biden's pronouncement supporting same-sex marriage, whether it was a political ploy or whether he really did the soul-searching he spoke about to come to the conclusion that gay people should be able to marry, his speaking out placed the issue squarely in the faces of African Americans, and it is making us address this whole thing.   Finally.      […]   Read: <span&gt <a href="http://;</span&gt;” target=”_blank”>;</span&gt;   Ta-Nehisi Coates: "Marriage Equality and Humanist Evolution"   It's always wild seeing rappers come out against homophobia. I've got more than my share of songs I can't really enjoy like I once did. But it's good to see, and I can't even say I live outside of it. I can remember coming out of Baltimore and viewing every interaction with someone who was gay with a kind of smug derision. It's the closest I've come to a kind of deep, unstated pride in ignorance — not so much a violent hostility, but a meanness based almost entirely on not understanding. And frankly not even believing there was anything worth understanding. […]</span><span></span><span>Read:…</span>

By: pat Tue, 15 May 2012 20:27:50 +0000 <span>In the words of Prof. Michael Eric Dyson: "Black Christians must be deeply rooted in their faith, but not deeply rooted in bigotry.  Do black Christians really want to become sexual rednecks?"</span>amen to that. i agree with everybody else you knocked this out the park. good read

By: Truthiz Tue, 15 May 2012 14:43:10 +0000 <span>"Excuse my french but these churches need to STFU get off his back and let our first black president do his job."   Lol. Don't know if I'd put it quite that way BD but you are definitely On.Point.   DJ, I've gotta co-sign with BD…You really hit it OUT the park with this post!   You name *IT* and you'll surely find *IT* in the Black church BEGINNING with PREACHERS. SEE rampant EVERYTHING:   LIARS. Haters. Cheaters. LIARS. Adulterers. BIGOTS. LIARS. Backstabbers. Alcoholics. LIARS. Drug Addicts. Abusers. LIARS. DL "Brothas" AND *Sistahs.* LIARS. Pedophiles. *Hoes* AND hoochies.   And don't even get me started on the nearly 70% of Black children born OUT of wedlock! So much for the so-called "sanctity of marriage." <rolling>    In short, I now view most of the Black church as a den INIQUITY and BLANTANT Hypocrisy. </rolling></span>

By: BD Tue, 15 May 2012 11:26:03 +0000 Yeah DJ you sayin some things today. The black church is one of the biggest bigots there is. They preach about god is love and love your neighbor and all that. Then they turn around and put their nose up at anybody who doesn't think like them. That's one of the reasons I stopped going to church years ago, too many games. All the gay men in the choir, even the preacher himself gay but being a hipocrit. Preaching against gays on Sunday but chasing after boys on Saturday. Its ridicules. Excuse my french but these churches need to STFU get off his back and let our first black president do his job.
