
Black Don’t Crack Has Broken The Internet

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If you’re unaware of the slogan ‘Black Don’t Crack,’ this article is for you!

Lifestyle :
Take a look at the photo of the man below, then guess his age. Late 20s? Mid 30s? At the most, early 40s?

Black Don't Crack

You will be absolutely floored to learn that the gentleman in the photo is 78 years old!!! No, SERIOUSLY!!!

Don’t believe it? Then take a look at the photo below of author Annette Larkin who turned 81 last year.

Black Don't Crack

You may attribute good diet, exercise, proper sleep, modern medicine, and good old-fashioned genes as the secret to their discovery of the fountain of youth. Now, how’s THAT for Black History Month?!?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Wow! Both of the people in the pics look fantastic for his/and her age!

And it’s True. Most Blacks (who take care of themselves) don’t Crack. We don’t look our age. Most of us tend to look younger! Lol

Heck my partner is 53. She doesn’t look a day over 33. And she’s always getting approached by younger and middle-aged men and women. Smh!


True story: My mate and met 14 yrs ago this Aug, via Compatible Partners. Neither one of us had posted our pic because quite frankly neither of us were looking for Love at that time. We were single – had each been single for 4 yrs and was simply seeking friendship, companionship.

Anyway, we talked for over a year before actually making the decision to finally meet face to face. Now mind you we still had not exchanged pics so except for how we described ourselves, we really had no clue what each other looked like. Lol


We had decided she would come to my home in PA first and then if all went well I would then travel to her home in TX.

So I met her at the airport, she described what she would be wearing and that’s it!

I took several deep breaths while waiting to see if I could spot her. Out of nowhere stepped this 5 ft 6 absolutely gorgeous caramel woman with sunshades. As we approached each other with big ole smiles she took her sunshades off and I nearly lost all of my composure! Lol


Her natural eyes are such an incredible color that several people stopped dead in their tracks and complimented her on her beauty!

Then it hit me. I thought to myself – she lied to me about her age and was much younger than she told me. But I was wrong…Lol

She pulled out her driver’s license and a few other pieces of ID. I love her dearly and we have been together ever since. ❤️

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