Comments on: Black Gay Love Revealed News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:54:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthizz Tue, 02 Jul 2013 12:05:30 +0000 Oh no DJ…I didn't mean to come across as blaming you for the absence of GBF pics.

Frankly, I should have taken a moment to word my initial response a little differently.

The truth is, my frustration is with the general tendency of most men_especially White males and in particular White males in position of Power_ to so casually overlook, dismiss OR totally ignore the accomplishments, sacrifices, Value, and even EXISTENCE of *Others*…including White females.

When it comes to "Black Gay Love" my frustration is with the general tendency of much of Black-America to pretend that no such thing exist.

By: _DJ Tue, 02 Jul 2013 01:57:59 +0000 Good point Truthizz. However, my understanding is that this historian stumbled upon these photos and did not encounter any of black gay females. I would have absolutely included them if he had found some.

By: Truthizz Mon, 01 Jul 2013 19:56:05 +0000 Over the years as I've matured and continue to grow, I often find that when something *interesting* catches my attention I'm can be as struck (if not moreso) by what is NOT visible as I am by what IS visible.

For example: Last night ESPN aired a deeply moving tribute (a short film) of families re-acting to their loved ones (those who have served in the military) as they return home. It was beautifully done. But I kept feeling that SOMETHING is missing(?) Then it struck me. Of ALL the soldiers showcased ONLY 2 (one definitely) were of Color…and NONE were of returning female soldiers of ANY race of ethinic group.

Re: "Black Gay Love Revealed"

The pics are extraordinary. But (yep) SOMETHING is missing. NOT ONE pic of a Gay Black female!?!

So I wonder: What's worse than Gay Blacks males being "ignored into nonexistence in parts of black culture" relegated to the status of "second class citizens in gay culture"?

It would be GBFs apparently having NEVER existed in the first place and therefore NOT granted the recognition OR respect of "second class citizens" in ANY cutlrure …gay/straight Black or White.
