Black Gay Trump Supporter Was A MAGA Misfit
A Black, gay, Trump supporter has found out the hard way that he is an outcast and has no home in the MAGA movement.
Current Events :
Rob Smith, an Iraq war veteran who identifies as a Black and gay conservative, knows he has conflicting identities. Still, despite his obvious obstacles, he somehow convinced himself that the GOP and MAGA movement would miraculously welcome a Black, gay, Trump supporter like himself with open arms.

As you might suspect, he was delusionally wrong!
During a conservative rally in Phoenix, AZ, Smith was given a swift lesson in just how unwelcomed he was within TrumpWorld.
He was heckled with anti-gay slurs. He was called the “N” word. White nationalists, including Missouri state Rep. Chris Lonsdale, shouted homophobic and racial slurs at him, including “fa*got” and more.
Somehow, Smith was shocked to learn that homophobes and bigots actually exist within the Republican Party — a reality he had convinced himself was impossible.
How did he miss the memo??

For years, GOP groups across the country have openly denounced members of the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, the Texas GOP even called homosexuality “abnormal.”
In 2017, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, far-right militias, and other White “conservatives” showed their true colors by marching with Tiki-torches in Charlottesville, VA while chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans on behalf of White power. Donald Trump called them “very fine people.”
Rob Smith knew and saw all of it. Still, he foolishly believed he was somehow special and had a place amongst this crowd.
Only after being personally targeted and treated disrespectfully by members of the MAGA movement, Smith says he has been awakened and prompted to leave the Republican Party.
“I’m always going to be a right-leaning person, but I’m not going to identify as a Republican, conservative, etc. because it’s whack,” Smith said.
The confused Iraqi war vet said he believes Trump’s 2020 loss was the moment the GOP opened its doors to anti-gay and racist extremists.
“Unfortunately, Trump’s loss in 2020 opened up the door for a very far-Right fringe in the party that has become louder and more powerful over the past few years, and it’s clear that officials and others with very large platforms do not care to speak up about this because they think these types will bring them back to power,” Smith said.
Also attending the Phoenix incident in which I was harassed by White Nationalists who screamed racist and homophobic slurs at me is @ChrisLonsdaleKC who is a Republican State Representative for Missouri District 38.
— Rob Smith (@robsmithonline) March 18, 2024
Does @MissouriGOP condone this behavior? pic.twitter.com/ouclHdG4vk
Rob Smith shared video proof of the gay and racist attacks against him on Twitter/X. Not surprisingly, social media showed zero sympathy toward the absolute ignorance of this Black, gay, Trump supporter and his fantasy expectation that MAGA was going to embrace him.
“You got what you deserve. You chose to associate with a political party that is anti-black and anti-gay,” one Twitter/X user commented.
“You chose to be a Republican despite knowing what they stand for. And now you want sympathy?” another user added.

It’s inexplicable how Rob Smith ever believed that a Black, gay, Trump supporter like himself would be given a red carpet welcome inside the MAGA movement. However, now that he has left the GOP, the ex-Republican looks upon those years as incongruous.
“If you’re some straight white dude, OK, I completely understand — and this is nothing against straight white dudes because I don’t hate anybody. But, if you’re that, I understand how you can wave the red flag for the Republican Party,” Smith said. However, he added that he now recognizes it’s far more difficult for Black people of any orientation to represent or be a legitimate part of the GOP.
OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
The delusions of a Black, gay, Trump supporter.
Lol…I laugh to keep from crying. This young gay, Black male veteran is shocked to find that he’s not welcomed by the Klan!?!
You can’t make this stuff up. 😔
He hates himself and his black skin. That is all it is.
And then to add salt to injury……
The irony in all this is that any number of those so-called “Heterosexual” White Klansmen and Trump fascist voters are in fact Closet GAY and BISEXUAL men!
The scandalous stories are plentiful.
And again I say, you can’t make this stuff up!
You got that right Truth. The same ones shouting the f word are the same ones doing things behind closed doors. How this black man could be so stupid is the sad part.
Oops! Didn’t catch an error until just now.
Above should read:
And then to add insult to injury…
This is nothing but a lost black man who wanna be white. He thought if he talked and acted like them he was in. But they sent his black behind running. Just sad.
And let the Church say Amen!