Kim Jong Un Could Cancel Trump Summit
Thanks to Donald Trump and his new national security advisor, John Bolton, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is on the verge of canceling next month’s summit with “The Donald.”
In a damning statement published by the state-run Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), Kim Jong Un said he believes Trump and Bolton are attempting to push North Korea “into a corner” on nuclear disarmament and he doesn’t like it. In fact, their aggressive tactics could cause the proposed nuclear deal to be scrapped altogether.
The statement comes after Bolton said he wants Libya to be a potential model for North Korean denuclearization, which set the dictator off.

In December 2003 and after months of negotiations with the US, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi agreed to dismantle his nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs. However, 8 years later, Washington’s relationship with Gadhafi deteriorated and NATO forces overthrew him. Gadhafi was captured by rebels, beaten and abused, then shot in the head and left on display for his nation and the world to see.
According to Kim Jong Un, if Libya is the model Trump and Bolton have planned for North Korea, then he wants no part of it. In fact, Kim believes Bolton’s comments are indicative of “an awfully sinister move to impose on our dignified state the destiny of Libya or Iraq which had been collapsed due to yielding the whole of their countries to big powers.”
“It is absolutely absurd to dare compare (North Korea), a nuclear weapon state, to Libya which had been at the initial stage of nuclear development,” he said. “(The) world knows too well that our country is neither Libya nor Iraq which have met miserable fate.”
Kim added that North Korea had “shed light on the quality of John Bolton already in the past, and we do not hide our feeling of repugnance towards him.”
Kim also canceled talks with South Korea once he discovered they were involved in current military exercises with the US.
The change of heart from Kin Jong Un follows Donald Trump’s recent decision to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The move demonstrates that although Trump claims to want peace, he only wants it “his way.” He wants to take sides and control everything, which most sovereign nations are unwilling to allow. Certainly not Kim Jong Un.
If Kim does, in fact, cancel the Trump summit, it would put to rest the idiotic chants of “Nobel Peace Prize” Trump has recently received at rallies. So much for taking credit for a meeting that hasn’t happened yet (or may never happen) — also known as “counting the chickens before they’ve hatched.”
To be honest I never thought this meeting was going to happen anyway. They are both using each other to get something and as soon as it looks like they won’t get it somebody is not going to follow through. Also let’s take a minute and talk about John Bolton. Everybody said he is crazy and the world does not trust him. When Kim Jong un talked about repugnance feelings for him that said it all. Take a minute and think about who we have running the country now people.
“Take a minute and think about who we have running the country now people.”
Lord…if only most of America could hear you BD..!
Whew!…finally. I have been trying to get to this all morning but was just too dang busy.
Okay so let me start with this – DJ, my friend, you’ve done it again. Your post lays it all out there with detailed accuracy. And it’s short, sweet and to the point.
As I expressed in an earlier related-post, I thought it highly unlikely the “summit” would actually take place anyway….so I definitely won’t be surprised if it’s canceled now that Bolton has shown his hand.
“Bolton said he wants Libya to be a potential model for North Korean denuclearization, which set the dictator off.”
As I had also expressed before – Jong Un, like Trump, is unpredictable and dangerous. But UNlike Trump, Jong Un is NO dummy. The NK leader is shrewd and calculating.
Trump and most of his idiot-cohorts, especially neoCons like Bolton, cannot resist shooting off their mouths! And it usually results in blowing up in their faces. But that won’t stop ’em. They’re incapable of learning ANY lessons. They’ll keep right on doing/saying the dumb sh*t over and over again and expecting a “winning” outcome.
Bottom line: Ain’t gonna be a “Libya model for NK denuclearization” because Jong Un was NEVER going to agree to such a stupid-azz thing in the first place. He saw what happened to Gadhafi and he’s NOT going out like that.
So now what for “the Donald” and John Bolton? It’s their move.